Mi línea de tiempo

By Danattt
  • My birth

    My birth
  • Friend

    my best friend from childhood we were always together as good friends
  • Start of studies

    Start of studies
    beginning of my studies a great stage
  • My costume

    My costume
    first year I dressed up as a police officer, I was very happy
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    my preschool graduation
  • My Party

    My Party
    I turned 8 years old and my mom threw me a party with all my friends.
  • Tom

    my first pet was a kitten named Tom
  • Birthday #12

    Birthday #12
    My 12th birthday was very special for me because my mom gave me a big stuffed animal.
  • Journey

    I went traveling with my mom to see new places
  • Luna

    I met Luna, a friend that I love very much.
  • My 15

    My 15
    My 15th birthday was a very special moment for me because my mom serenaded me.
  • My pets

    My pets
    I have some cute pets that I love with all my heart.
  • My relationship

    My relationship
    I started a relationship with a person I love very much
  • Outing with friends

    Outing with friends
    outing with friends that I love very much