
mi life

  • the day of mi born

    the day of mi born
    I was born in Huamantla Tlaxcala on May 20, 2002 at the guadalupe hospital
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    When I turned my first year of life, my grandmother, my uncles and my cousin who was two years old went to my house to celebrate with me and my parents
  • The day my sister was born

    The day my sister was born
    That day I was two years old, did not know or remember if I knew what was happening, everyone was anxious and happy, that day was very special for my parents
  • My third birthday

    My third birthday
    At that time I knew how to walk and talk, it was a special day because my parents had a party and invited my whole family to celebrate, that day was great, they disguised me as woody.
  • Enter kindergarten

    Enter kindergarten
    That day was very special, mainly for my mom, because it was the first time she let me go, she told me to i cry, but two minutes later I went with the other children to play
  • My sister's third birthday

    My sister's third birthday
    At my sister's birthday party she dressed the white snow princess, dancing with her and with my cousins ​​her waltz, that day I dressed the spider man
  • The first day of my sister in kindergarten

    The first day of my sister in kindergarten
    Step almost the same as me, but my mom says she did not even cry and went fast with her new friends
  • Mothers day festival in my last year of kindergarten

    Mothers day festival in my last year of kindergarten
    In all kindergarten years there was a festival, but that day, it was special because I went out in a play and sang in a group
  • My first day in elementary school

    My first day in elementary school
    That day I waited for him with eagerness, because that school I liked, I remember that the first day I made many friends
  • my farewell :(

    my farewell :(
    In the sixth year of primary school, my parents told me that they would change me from high school to high school, the last day of school was sad and also beautiful and unforgettable.
  • My first day in high school

    I changed my beloved nerve, luckily I knew the majority of the new partners, it was easy to change
  • My school change

    For my second year of high school I was transferred to the school where I am currently studying, which was a bit difficult for me to adjust to the schedules
  • My last year in high school

    My last year in high school
    Currently I am in third year of high school, I already have a step in high school, less than a month and a half away