mexico and japan time-line

  • Japan was ruled by a tokugawa shogunate

    Japan was ruled by a tokugawa shogunate
    the Tokugawa shogunate had ruled japan for 200 years. it kept an isolationist policy regarding foreign trade.
  • Cry of Dolores

    Cry of Dolores
    The Cry of Dolores was a cry by Spanish priest Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.
  • Mexico achieves independence

    Mexico achieves independence
    Mexico gains independence on September 16, 1821.
  • the Constitution of 1824

    the Constitution of 1824
    the constitution stated:
    1- "The Mexican Nation is forever free and independent of the Spanish government, and every other power."
  • Japan opens up to trade with the u.s

    Japan opens up to trade with the u.s
    u.s asks japan to open foreign relations.
  • the Sat-Cho alliance establish a new leadership

    the Sat-Cho alliance establish a new leadership
    the sat.cho alliance forced the shogun to end relations with the west. when the west refused, the sat- cho leaders attacked the shogun´s palace in kyoto. his forces colapsed, ending the shogunate system and beginning the meiji restoration.
  • the new government studied the west and two factions appear

    the meiji government , for 20 years, carefully studied the westerners , as the process evolved, two major factions appeared.
    the liberals: who wanted a democratic government based on the west.
    the progressives: who wanted power to be share between the legislative and executive branches (with the executive having most control)
  • porfirio Diaz ruled between 1877 and 1911

    porfirio Diaz ruled between 1877 and 1911
    he ruled for about 30 years, he created a conservative, centralized government. he had the support of the army, foreign capitalists, large landowners, and the catholic church.
    growing forces for change will lead to a revolution.
  • Japan´s first elections

    Japan´s first elections
    Japan holds regional elections, the first democratic elections outside of the West
  • the meiji constitution was modeled after the imperial Germany

    the meiji constitution was modeled after the imperial Germany
    the new government gave most authority to the executive branch,
    in theory, the emperor excersided all executive authority, but he actually was just a display, the real authority vested on the prime minister.
  • japan´s new political system

    japan´s new political system
    the new political system, was democratic in form but authoritarian in practice.
  • New constitution

    New constitution
    A new Mexican Constitution is drafted and Carranza is elected president