Jan 29, 1492
columbuse discovery
in 1492 chistifor columbuse used the power of the wind to reach the Bahamas. -
Jan 29, 1520
the army
cortes led small forces spanish conquares to mexico -
Jan 29, 1560
taken controll
spain sized controll of central america -
during the 1800 britan clamed Belize -
in 1821 mexico gained independents -
the split
central america had sepirated into 5 independent countries Goatemala, Hoanduros, EL,Salvidor, Nicaragua, Coasta Rica -
the short cut
in 1900 the Panimal canail was built and made trade and travle better -
in 1985 a massive earthquake killed lots of people and caused lots of depression in mexico. -
another one
in 2001 another disaster happened another earthquake killed thousands of people. -
the decline
in 2004 the oil prodution declind alot and mad prices for oil go up