Mexican War

  • Period: to

    Mexican-American war

  • Leadership starts, Porfirio Diaz

    Porfirio is re-elected to become the president, he uses his power to become a dictator. Makes citizens vote for him by using military problems
  • Churches view

    The church’s loyalty to the government and vice versa, was being questioned in mexico during the war
  • Francisco I. Madero

    Was a man who ran against Diaz in 1910 and was thrown in jail by Diaz for running against him. He fleed prison and sent a "letter from jail" this letter stated how hoe daiz was doing illegal things and this was a big movemnt to overthrow Diaz.
  • Pancho Villa

    He was a rebellious fighter who lead many attacks agianst the U.S and was wanted for high prices by mexican leaders and U.S for being one of the best stragtigically best fighters.
  • Victoriano Huerta

    Becoame the president and was recoginized world world except for Woodrow Wilson who saw him as a power man suited for the job. He was a more military driven man and didnt like the U.S interferring with Mexico's Governement
  • Woodrow Wilson

    Was put into office with a conflict acuring and really took control and lead alot of attacks against the mexican troops with strong will.
  • First U.S role

    .First major role the United States had was in 1914 when German ships were sending illegal arms to Huerta. Woodrow Wilson sent troops to stop the ship from docking not actually declaring war.
  • Villa's Impact

    1915 Villa was involved in one of the most important battles which was known as the Battle of Celaya, and attacked American troops that defeated him horribly in battle making a turning point for the Americans.
  • Pushing the U.S limits

    Another major event was in 1916 was when pancho villa raided Columbus killing 16 Americans
  • Wilson's Thoughts of Villa

    Enraged Wilson sent troops to capture villa, but he was in the terrain of Mexico and United States had retreat heating the battle to the two nations
  • New Mexico Leadership

    Venustiano Carranza became president and was creating a more stable environment in Mexico.
  • The end of villa raids

    Villa made an agreement to basically halt all operations to retire on his farm, later assassinated
  • America's reaction

    The American had no initial idea of starting a war with mexico, after the shipment of illegal arms into Huerta from the Germans it enraged Woodrow Wilson but he didn’t want to start battle, not yet. He sent troops to be stationed in Mexico. The expansion of the U.S was a major reason as well as the attacks of Pancho Villa. The U.S had enough of the dictator ship of the Mexican government and went to battle with the Country. The American Troops were having difficulties in the terrain but hit a ma
  • Later governement Improvements

    Later the war had created what is known as the Institutional Revolutionary party that made two separate parties to compete to run government.