Start of Porfiro Diaz's Presidency
Porfiro Diaz took power in Mexico in 1876. Under the leadership of the Diaz Regime there was a lack of upward mobility, there was foreign domination of industry, and Mexico was under a huge economic recession. There started to be mass resentment of the Diaz regime and the upper class due to that the middle and lower class were suffering greatly. The fall of Diaz and his presidency was the main catalyst for the start of the revolution. -
Period: to
Mexican Revolution
Madero drafts Plan of San Luis Potosi
When Madero ran againist Diaz in the presidental elections, Diaz had him jailed in fear that he would become more popular then him and win the elections. Diaz had madero jailed until after he was reelected president. After being released from jail Madero escaped to the U.S and drafted the plan of San Luis Potosi. Under this Plan Madero declared himself as the legimate president and called for a violent overthrow of the Diaz regime, starting the mexian revolution. -
battle of ciudad juarez(1911)
This battle took place in the city of ciudad juarez between april and may 1911. The battle was between the forces of Madero's army lead by Ozoco and Villa and Diaz's forces. After two days the city was in control by Madero, and lead to the signing of the treaty of ciudad juarez in which DIaz resigned from power, -
Signing of the treaty of Ciudad Juarez
The treay of Ciudad Juarez was signed between Porfiro Diaz and Madero on May 21 1911, the treaty stopped the fighting between both forces. The treaty stated that Diaz and his vice president step down from power by the end of may and named Francisco León de la Barra the in place president until elections could be held, and Diaz exiled to france. Under the treaty there was no provisons made however of the land reforms that Madero promised -
Zapata Drafts the plan of ayala
On november 25,1911 Zapata drafts the plan of ayala in ayala,Morelos in response to Madero not living up to his promises of land reform. Under the plan od ayala, Zapata Dennouces Madero's presidency and makes Orozco the legimate leader of the Mexican Revolution -
La Decena Tragica
The ten tragic days was a series of horrific events that took place in mexico city between Febuary 9th to Febuary 19th 1913. Witht he help of the U,S Ambassdor Henery Wilson, Huerta was able to get Reyes freed from prizon and began a Coup D'etat on the Madeo presidency. At the end of the ten tragtic days Madero, his brother , and his vice president are killled. -
Drafting of the Plan of Guadalupe
On March 23 1913, in response of the violent overthrow of Madero's presidency by Huerta, Caqrranze drafted the plan of Guadalupe. Within the plan he removed any legitmacy that the huerta goverment had and also madet he goverment powers to be ran by people who were loyal to Madero. Also it called for new electiosn once there was peace throughout the country. -
U.S attacks and takes Vera Cruz
On April 9 1914 Huerta had U.S sailors thrown in jail while they were at land in Tampico, and later releases them. The U.S wanted a public apology from the Huerta goverment but there refused, in response the U.S started attacking and took over Vera Cruz by April 22 1914. They took Vera Cruz instead of Tampico because the U.S had oil refinories there. -
Convention of Aguascalientes
This was a major convention that was held between October and November of 1914 between the four "powerholders" of the revolution, that consisted of Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Venustiano Carranza and Alvaro Obregon. During the Revolution they denounced Carranza as president and he refused to step down from power and they declared him in rebellion. The convention also was primarily made up of villistas who influenced the views of other delgates at the convention. -
Villa attacks Columbus,NM
In hopes of bringing the united states into the mexican revolution, Villa and his supporters attack Columbus, New Mexico. Due to his opposition to carranze he thinks that because he attacked the united states that they will go after carranza and therefore be out of power. In response to the attack on Columbus, the united states sends troops into mexico on a search for villa but cant find him. -
Constitution of 1917 is passed by constitutional congress
On Febauary 5th 1917 the new constitution of mexico was passed by the constitutional congress. Under the new consitution, things such as in article 3 allowed no chruch in the education and in article 123 gave rights in labor. It stated that people would have an 8 hour work day. Also within the constitution article 27 gave property ownership and restored ejidos and makes provison for land distribution.It also increased carranas power. -
United states recognizes obregon goverment
In 1920 obregon tries to please the U.S with foriegn owned land. Under the constitituon of 1917 they did not own the land that they previously had in mexico. However, obregon said that all the land that they owned prior to 1917 was still owned by foreign powers (themselves). With the United States pleased, They recognizes the Obregon goverment in 1919 -
battle of ciudad juarez(1919)
This was the last major battle that involved the rebel forces of pancho villa. it took place on June 15th 1919 and was an attempt by villa to capture the city of ciudad juarez from the mexican army. The U.S army began closing in on the villista forces and caused them to retreat and lose the battle -
cristero war (1926-1929)
Starting in 1926, the cristero war was an uprisng against the anti-catholicism of the mexican goverment. The rebellion started when the calles(the current president of mexico at the time) enforced the standerds of the constitituion of 1917. It began as a peaceful resitence until 1927 when the violent rebellions began. -
formation of the PRN party
In 1929, in response to the assassination of Obregon calles formed the Post revolutionary party. The party was more corrupt then the Diaz regime and did not help the poor or the peasantry. The parties intent was to insituionalize the agreements result of the mexican revolution