
Mexican Revolution

  • Start of the Revolution

    Francisco Madero proclaims the Plan of San Luis.
  • End of the Diaz dictatorship

    Porfirio Diaz left the presidency and went into exile in France.
  • Madero's Presidency

    Madero was not a good president and most of the caudillos rebelled against him.
  • Huerta's Presidency

    Coup in 1913 and military dictatorship.
  • U.S Intervention

    U.S troops occupied el Puerto de Veracruz.
  • Carranza's Presidency

    He sought to unite the revolutionary groups, but he did not succeed and was assassinated on Obregon's orders.
  • Villa attacks Colombus

    Villa attacks the population of Columbus, New Mexico as a warning to the US not to meddle in Mexican affairs.
  • U.S y Pancho Villa

    The United States sent an expeditionary force to capture Pancho Villa but failed in their task and withdrew to Texas.
  • Zimmerman Telegraph

    1917 Germany was in WW1 and needed allies for the war, so Germany asks Mexico to invade the United States to distract them from the war in Europe; In exchange Germany would give him the territories lost from the war in 1848.
    But Mexico rejected the proposal.
  • Constitution of 1917

    In 1917 Carranza created the new constitution.
  • Obregon's Presidency

    Obregon overthrows Carranza as president