Rubi Mrques de
He was born around 1725 and was the son of Fransico Pignatteli. He arrived to his expedition on November,1, 1794. On August, 7, 1765 he was appointed to for econimic abuses and other urgent matters. He went to Mexico city and stayed there for about a year, after this he stared to travel through Texas. He went to Querétaro and on this Jorney he made a diary that became famous in 1989 in the University of Texas. -
Philip Nolan
Philip had planed to come to Texas and capture Mustangs and Wild horses. After caputuring them he would take them to Louiana for market. Spanish Ofiicals got suspicious when they really noticed how much time he was spending with General James Wilkinson. Nolan was finally arrested in 1800, once Nolan was released he went to Texas where he was shot and died. -
Father Hidalgo
He and Costilla were known as the fathers of Mexican Independance, because he lead the revolt. He arrested alot of spainards on September, 16, 1810. When he rang the church bells on September, 15, 1810 all of the indains came to mass and then Father Hidalgo made a sppech which people call the Mexicam Rebbelion. From then on every November 15 this repeats by the Fathers. Father Hidalgo was shot on July, 31, 1811. -
Jose Gutierrez de Lara
Lara was a Mexican revolutionary and diplomant, he became a merchant, blacksmith, and a property owner. When the war of Mexican Independce was going on him and his brother created a revolution. He lost his brother on March, 17, 1811, but he decided to continue his quest. In April, 12, 1812 he set out for Texas. -
Augustus Magee
Magee was a army officer and he graduated from United States Military Academy. Later in in his life he was offered a promotion but instead he, Peter, and Jose were going on an expedition called Gutierrez- Magge. The plan of this expedition was to invade Texas. Magee became ill on his jorney to Texas and died on Febuary, 6, 1813. -
Battle of Medina
Fought in August, 18, 1813 between forces of Gutierrez- Magee expedition. This was th Bloddiest battle on soil in Texas, it was also known as the battle of 1812. On August,14, 1812 1,400 men went to a camp ground and the next morning the republicans went to the dense forest. Where many were killed and the ones who were not were soon after exicuted. -
Galvesto Jean Laffitte
Laffitte was an agent of Spain on, May, 14, 1817. He took over Galveston in May, 1817, him and his team named it Galveztown. There were so many snakes that they also called it Snake Land. There was a hurrican in modern day Galveston Island in 1835.In 1819 Laffitee's shp was captured by the U.S. -
Dr James Long
In 1817 Dr James Long was worked with W.W. Walker.After about 2 years later he was in a filibustering expedition and wanted to conquer Texas. He went to Mexico City to plead his case, in 1822. He got shot while attemping this, the guard who shot him was hired by Jose Felix Trespalacios to kill him. -
Constitution of 1824.
The Texas Constitutional Government was helped come to be by the Mexican Federal Govenment. The Mexicam Federal Government was resembled by more of the Spanish Constitution of 1812. On January 1- April 15 the congress composes two house meetings. -
Constitution of Coahuia and Texas
The Constitution was framed and ready by, March,11 , 1827. During the making of the Texas Consitution Baron de Bastrop was the representitive of Texas. Every four years a new set of Goverment people come to there state and try to convince people to vote for them. The vice Govner is the Policecheif. -
State Colonization Law
Mexican was adopted the federal system that was very similar to the United States. This Law was passed on on August,18 1824. All laws have to come from the acts of the government. -
Meger of Coahuila
Once they in Salatillo they law that was passed that state. Mexicans get to pick where they live first but, Americans get to settle. All of this encouraged the farmers and ranchers to free taxes.