Mexican American War

  • 1200

    First Americans Enter North

    The first Americans may have traveled to their new home along the coast, new research suggests.
  • 1436

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer, navigator, and colonizer.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands

    never set foot on america
  • French and Indian War

    trade between england
  • The Enlightenment

  • Mercantilism

    belief in the benefits of profitable trading
  • Jamestown

  • Benjamin Franklin

    as a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, humorist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.
  • George Washington

    Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution, and later became the first president of the United States,
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father who was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence and later served as the third President of the United States
  • French and Indian War

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Settlement west
  • Stamp Act

    An act regulation stamp duty
  • Andrew Jackson

    President of US in 1829
  • Boston Massacre

  • Boston Tea Party

  • American Revolution

  • Declaration of Independence

    Broke all political ties
  • America

    The U.S. is a country of 50 states covering a vast swath of North America, with Alaska in the northwest and Hawaii extending the nation’s presence into the Pacific Ocean.
  • United States Constitution Signed

  • Dred Scott

  • Westward Expansion

    americans idea of expanding west
  • Louisiana Purchase

    property own by France sold to US
  • Lewis and Clark

    first american expedition
  • Abraham Lincoln

    16th president of US
  • Frederick Douglass

    social reformer
  • Jacksonian Democracy

    greater democracy
  • Election of 1828

    Election of Andrew Jackson
  • Abolitionist Movement

    end slavery
  • Indian Removal Act

    Removal of indians for their land
  • Manifest Destiny

    Expansion of the US was inevitable
  • Mexican American War

  • Compromise of 1850

    Fugitive slave act
  • Dred Scott Decision

  • Civil war

    American war
  • Era of Reform

    eliminate problems caused by curruption
  • Election of 1860
