Mexican revolutions 1 lg

Mexica revolution

  • "Creelman interview"

    "Creelman interview"
    Pearson's Magazine publishes "Creelman interview" with President Díaz, stating that Mexico is ready for democracy and a new leader.
  • join revolution

    Francisco Madero persuades Pascual Orozco and Francisco "Pancho" Villa to join the revolution.
  • "Plan of San Luis Potosí"

    "Plan of San Luis Potosí"
    Francisco Madero writes "Plan of San Luis Potosí" in San Antonio, Texas, calling for all Mexicans to rise up against the dictator on November 20, 1910.
  • Water rights

    Emiliano Zapata leads uprising of villagers in Morelos for land and water rights. Simultaneously armed revolts begin in other parts of Mexico.
  • Capture

    Orozco and Villa capture Ciudad Juárez (sister city to El Paso)
  • Francisco became President

    Francisco Madero elected President of Mexico.
  • Rebellion

    Pascual Orozco leads rebellion in Chihuahua, after losing gubernatorial election. General Victoriano Huerta, representing Madero, defeats Orozco and arrests Pancho Villa.
  • Madero in jail

    Huerta leads coup against Madero, who is deposed, arrested and jailed.
  • President Madero

    President Madero and Vice President Pino Suárez are shot to death. Huerta declares himself President of Mexico.
  • Against Huerta

    United States declares itself against Huerta.
  • The usurper

    Venustiano Carranza, governor of Coahuila, is declared First Chief in the fight against Huerta ("The Usurper") and including both Villa and Zapata. Alvaro Obregón leads Carranza's army.
  • Team

    United States forces occupy Veracruz
  • President to europe

    Huerta resigns as President and flees to Europe on a German ship.
  • Capture

    Zacatecas captured by Villa's "División del Norte."
  • World war

    World War I starts in Europe. United States leaves Veracruz.
  • a

    United States recognizes Venustiano Carranza as provisional President of Mexico.
  • Civilians killed

    Pancho Villa sacks Columbus, New Mexico in retaliation for the United States' recognition of his enemy Carranza. Eight U.S. soldiers and 10 U.S. civilians killed.
  • General John

    General John J. Pershing leads a force into Mexico in a futile search for Villa.
  • a

    Mexico adopts the Constitution of 1917, claiming rights over the subsoil, instituting new regulations to benefit organized labor and decreeing sanctions against the Catholic Church.
  • Usa vs Germany

    United States declares war on Germany.
  • Zapata

    Zapata slain in ambush.
  • announcesment

    Obregón announces his campaign for the presidency.
  • Revolution

    Obregón declares himself in revolt against Carranza, whose support collapses.
  • Murdered

    Carranza murdered.
  • New President

    Obregón elected President.
  • Revolution is over

    Obregón sworn in as President. The Revolution is over.
  • First new paper

    First murals appear in Mexico.