
  • 5000 BCE

    Sumer forms first cities

    Inventions like the wheel, writing, pottery and math came from them
  • Period: 5000 BCE to 2230 BCE

    Sumerian Dynasty

    Being the first settlement, everything was based off of them, giving them power, King Sargon of Akkad gaining control of the area led to the downfall of Sumer
  • 3500 BCE

    Writing invented (the cuneiform)

  • Period: 2600 BCE to 2025 BCE

    Early Assyrian period

    Before they came into power they were well used as an outpost for former powers,
    They invented the Chariot
  • 2250 BCE

    King Sargon of Akkad conquers Sumer

  • 2100 BCE

    Sumer rebuilds Ur

  • 2100 BCE

    Ur power peaks, declines, and is quickly replaced by the Amorites

  • 2000 BCE

    The Assyrians rise to power in North Mesopotamia

  • 1832 BCE

    Beginning of the Old Babylonian Empire

    Hard to say how because of minimal evidence intact
    also they made maps
  • Period: 1830 BCE to 1531 BCE

    Old Babylonian Empire

    Risen from military success in gaining land
    Fell when King Hammurabi died and the empire lost its territory, money, and dignity
  • 1792 BCE

    King Hammurabi extends the Babylonian Empire

  • 1781 BCE

    King of the Assyrians dies and they are taken over by the Babylonians

  • 1749 BCE

    Hammurabi's death quickly leads to the end of his empire

  • 1530 BCE

    Babylonia conquered by The Kassites

  • Period: 1530 BCE to 1130 BCE

    Kassites reign over the area

    Rose to power at the end of the Babylonian Empire
  • Period: 1392 BCE to 934 BCE

    Middle Assyrian Empire

    The Assyrians rose to power again by force
  • Period: 911 BCE to 609 BCE

    Neo Assyrian Empire

    Not a fully new Empire but it evolved from Middle-Assyrian Empire
  • Period: 626 BCE to 539 BCE

    Neo Babylonian Empire

    Babylonia gained its independence and formed the new Babylonian
    This is when the first library was made