

By jmk1400
  • Sep 2, 1120

    Enuma Elish

    Enuma Elish
    It is also known as the seven tablets of creation. It is one of the oldest pieces of literature in the world. It was known all the way across to Mesopotamia and was recited it and was a major part of the New Year's festival.
  • The code of Hammurabi

    The code of Hammurabi
    It is one of the earliest sets of laws man's history. It holds the well-known saying of the eye for an eye.
  • The Great Wall in Sumer

    The Great Wall in Sumer
    Made to keep the Amorites out of Sumer. The walls themselves could be built with gates and motes around them. The walls also had watchtowers to keep patrol of the border.
  • Period: to


  • The Acadian time period begins

    The Acadian time period begins
    Acadia it was settled in by the French.
  • First code of laws

    First code of laws
    These laws where from the king of lugash.
  • First written evidence of religion

    First written evidence of religion
    The Samarian's were polytheistic which meant they believed in more than one God or goddesses. They became more anthropocentric in the third Millennium BCE
  • Writing system invented

    Writing system invented
    The ancient Mesopotamian writing System was called cuneiform. It was written on clay tablets with a blunt reed. This was the earliest form of writing.
  • The city of urek

    The city of urek
    This time period was the most influential time period. It was the most influetcial time period that was broken up into eight phases.
  • Ubaid culture started to become known

    Ubaid culture started to become known
    Ubaid culture is a type of pottery. Although it was predominantly done in the south of Mesopotamia it caught on quick and became known.
  • Burial in Sumer

    Burial in Sumer
    One of the first places to practice burial of the dead. They often buried food and riches with the corpse. They did that because they thought that the after life was a duel place.