Period: 3000 BCE to 2530 BCE
Period: 2350 BCE to 2150 BCE
Period: 2000 BCE to 1595 BCE
Old Babylonian Empire
Period: 2000 BCE to 1190 BCE
Hittite Empire
Period: 1792 BCE to 1750 BCE
King Hammurabi
Period: 1595 BCE to 1160 BCE
Kassites and other groups
1500 BCE
Hittites Take over northern Mesopotamia
1500 BCE
First iron Weapons
1274 BCE
Battle of Kadesh
1190 BCE
Tribes attacked from the north, Capital Burned, Hittite empire falls
Period: 1100 BCE to 824 BCE
Phonecian Empire
Period: 1100 BCE to 612 BCE
Assyrian Empire
Period: 705 BCE to 681 BCE
King Sennecharib
Period: 668 BCE to 627 BCE
King Ashurbanipal
Period: 612 BCE to 539 BCE
Neo-Babylonian Empire
Period: 605 BCE to 562 BCE
Period: 550 BCE to 530 BCE
Cyrus the Great
539 BCE
Cyrus conquered Babylon in a “bloodless victory”
Period: 539 BCE to 331 BCE
Persian Empire
530 BCE
Cyrus Dies in battle