1938 progrome synag 696724gnw

MESCH E: Rise of Nazi Party & Road to World War Two

  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

    Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The Allies & Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles, laying the foundation for reparations, German war guilt, loss of colonies & territory and a host of other penalties which will be used by Hitler on his march towards power and war. The conditions of Versailles were largely the responsibility of France which wanted to permanently weaken Germany. The German signers of Versailles were considered to have "stabbed Germany in the back" (Mr. A).
  • Period: to

    Interwar Years

  • Occupation of Rhineland

    Occupation of Rhineland
    Rhineland was territory that belonged to germany and was full of rescources. In the Treaty of Versailles the Rhineland was take from german and given to the allies. It was occupied by America, France, Belgium and Great Britain.(Luca)
  • Hitler's Speech: Nazi Party 95 Point Plan

    Hitler's Speech: Nazi Party 95 Point Plan
    Hitler gave a speech in the Munich hall, he outlined the 25 points, and changed from the German Workers Party to the NSDAP(National Socialist Workers Party).The main ideas from the 25 points were, the union of all Germans in a greater German Reich, the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles, the demand for additional territories for the German people (Lebensraum) and citizenship determined by race with no Jew to be considered a German. (Luca)
  • French and Belgian enter the Ruhr

    French and Belgian enter the Ruhr
    Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr area to force Germany to make its World War I reparation payments. (Luca)
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    The Beer Hall Putsch
    It was a failed attempt at revolution that occurred between the evening of 8 November and the early afternoon of 9 November 1923 when Hitler and his helpers unsuccessfully tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria and Germany. (Luca)
  • Period: to

    Hitler's Putsch trial and his release

    Followeing his failed attempt at revolution that occurred between 8 November and 9 November 1923, when Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler, and other heads of the Kampfbund unsuccessfully tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria and were stopped by the military.Hitler had the Putch trial and was sentenced to 9 months of prison. He was only given that much because the judge liked his ideas Hitler was released from the Landsberg Prison on 20 December 1924.
    -Balota Vlad
    -Balota Vlad
  • Dawes Plan Starts

    Dawes Plan Starts
    The Dawes Plan, designed to help Germany meet its reparations obligations, went into effect. It helped structure the payments into a organized fashion, not like before( where the payments were made at random, resulting in chaos).
    - Balota Vlad
  • French Evacuation of the Ruhr

    French Evacuation of the Ruhr
    The last French troops evacuated Duesseldorf, Duisburg, and Ruhrort. This ended the French occupation of the Ruhr region of Germany.It was made as the result of the Dawes Plan effectivness. It was a sigh that the debts began to be respected again and the territory taken because of that was given back.
    -Balota Vlad
  • The Locarno Treaties negotiations end

    The Locarno Treaties negotiations end
    The Treaty was formally signed in London on 3 December, in which the First World War Western European Allied powers sought to secure the post-war territorial settlement, and return normalizing relations with defeated Germany ( The Weimar Republic). It was negotiated from 5 October – 16 October.
    -Balota Vlad
  • Germany joins the League of Nations

    Germany joins the League of Nations
    When Germany joined the League of Nations they became part of the international community and had a say in the international politics and laws. The joining of Germany also showed that it was now a nation that was accepted by the rest of the world and no longer was a "hermit nation". (Alexandru M)
  • German Federal Elections

    German Federal Elections
    During the last elections before the Great Depression, the Nazi Party received 2.6% of the votes therefore losing 2 seats in the Parliament. This shows the lack of popularity of the Nazi Party during the times of economic stability. (Alexandru M)
  • Briand-Kellogg Pact

    Briand-Kellogg Pact
    Signed in Paris by the US (Frank Billings Kellogg) and France (Aristide Briand), this pact outlawed all future wars of agression. By 1929, sixty-three countries will have joined the pact. (Alexandru M)
  • Briand-Kellogg Pact comes into Effect

    Briand-Kellogg Pact comes into Effect
    Signed in 1928, the pact now held more than 60 signatories. This pact was signed outside the League of Nations but sadly would not live up to its aim of ending war. (Alexandru M)
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    The beginning of the stock market began crash in 1929. The market lost 11% of its value when it opened, but Wall Street workers were able to hold off the slide by investing in blue chip stocks. However, after this, on Black Monday ( 28 Oct) and Black Tuesday (Oct 29) the stock market fell further, beginning the Great Depression. (Chieri Higa)
  • German Referendum

    German Referendum
    The German Referendum was an attempt to pass a "Law Against the Enslavement of the German People", rejecting the Treaty of Versailles and making it illegal for German officers to collect reparation payments. Voter turnout was only 50%, and even though the law recieved 94.5% in favor, as a result of this turnout, the law was not passed. (Chieri Higa)
  • German Federal Eleciton

    German Federal Eleciton
    In the German Federal election in 1930, the Nazi Party won 18.25% of the vote, coming in second to the Social Democratic Party, which recieved 24.53% of the vote. The Nazis increased from 12 to 107, gaining 95 seats in Parliament, and the Social Democrats lost 10. (Chieri Higa)
  • German Presidential Elections

    German Presidential Elections
    Presidential Elections in Germany took place on 10 April 1932. The three main candidates were Paul von Hindenburg, Adolf Hitler, and Ernst Thalmann. Hindenburg became the president of Germany with 49.6% of the votes in the 1. Round and 53.1% in the 2. Round. Hitler was right behind Hindenburg with 30.2% of the votes in the 1. Round and 36.7% in the 2. Round. Thalmann was in 3rd with 13.2% of the votes in the 1. Round and 10.1% in the 2. Round.
  • German Presidential Elections

    German Presidential Elections
    Paul von Hindenberg is reelected President of the Reich after recieving about 3 million more votes than Hitler, and 16 million more than the Communist candidate. Once he was reelected, he appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany. This played a pivotal role in the rise to power of the Nazis. (Chieri Higa)
  • German Federal Elections

    German Federal Elections
    The Nazi Party, Social Democratic Party, and the Communist Party all gathered and took part in the elections for seats in the Parliament. The Nazi Party won 37.27% (230 seats), the Social Democratic Party won 21.58% (133 seats), and the Communist Party won 14.32% (89 seats).
    (Rosa Schmitz)
  • Reichstag Election

    Reichstag Election
    Reichstag Elections took place on 6 November 1932. The Nazis, Social Democrats, and the Communists were the top three parties at the elections. The Nazi Party won 196 seats, the Social Democrats won 121 seats, and the Communists won 100 seats. There was a significant drop of Nazi Party votes and a significant increase in the votes for the Communists. This affected Hitler's campaign, but also served as a jump board to success.
    (Rosa Schmitz)
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    A letter written to Hindenburg urged him to appoint Hitler as leader of a government "independent from parliamentary parties", which could turn into a movement that would "enrapture millions of people". Reluctantly he agrees to appoint Hitler as chancellor andthe new cabinet was sworn in during a brief and simple ceremony in Hindenburg's office. The NSDAP held three of the eleven posts.
    (Rosa Schmitz)
  • Burning of the Reichstag in Berlin

    Burning of the Reichstag in Berlin
    On 27 February 1933, the Reichstag building went up in flames. Historians believe that Nazis or the Dutch Communist had done this however the issue has never been resolved. This incident prompted Hitler to convince Hindenburg to issue a Decree for the Protection of People and State that granted Nazis sweeping power to deal with the so-called emergency. This laid the foundation for a police state. (Yewon Yoo)
  • Reichstag Fire Decree

    Reichstag Fire Decree
    The Oficcial name, Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State. It was issued by the German President Paul von Hindenburg in direct response to the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933.The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. (Alexandra Alon)
  • Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss - protects Austria being in a Austrofascist dictatorship

    Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss - protects Austria being in a Austrofascist dictatorship
    Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss keeps members of the National Council from deciding on starting the Austrofascist dictatorship. Also, The Dow Jones Industrial Average rises from 53.84 to 62.10. The day's gain of 15.34%, achieved during the depths of the Great Depression, remains to date as the largest 1-day percentage gain for the index. (Alexandra Alon)
  • Nazis open several concentration camps

    Nazis open several concentration camps
    Nazis open Dachau concentration camp near Munich, Buchenwald near Weimar near central Germany, Sachsenhausen near Berlin in northern Germany, and Ravensbrück for women. (Alexandra Alon)
  • Passage of the Enabling Law in Germany

    Passage of the Enabling Law in Germany
    Adolf Hitler, with the control of Reichstag passed the Enabling Act. It was signed by President Paul con Hindenburg. This gave the new govenment dictatorial powers. The Enabling Act marked the beginning of constitutional, administrative, judical, political, racial, religious, economic and military reforms across Germany. (Yewon Yoo)
  • Judenboycott

    Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany. The first of many measures against the Jews of Germany. SA officers stood in front of Jewish stores and businesses. Antisemitic slogans and signs were posted on shop windows. (Vlada)
  • Formation of the Labour Front (DAF)

    Formation of the Labour Front (DAF)
    Hitler ordered SA to arrest Germany's trade union leaders. He then ordered the formation of the Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront), the only union organization allowed in the Third Reich. Two responsibilities of the Labour Front was issuing workbooks and deciding wages. (Vlada)
  • Hitler Bans All Political Parties

    Hitler Bans All Political Parties
    Hitler officially declares the Nazi Party the only political Party in Germany, outlawing any other parties. (Vlada)
  • Reichskonkordat

    The Reichskonkordat treaty is signed by the Holy See (Catholic Church), represented by Secretary of State Euginio Pacelli, and the Nazi government, represented by Vice Chancellor Franz von Pappen. The treaty guaranteed the rights of the Catholic Church in Germany. A "concordat" is an agreement between the Catholic Church and a nation state, the equivalent of treaties between two nation states. (Vlada)
  • Haavara Agreement (Transfer agreement)

    Haavara Agreement (Transfer agreement)
    Haavara Agreement was singed on 25 Aug 1933. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigrations of German Jews to Palestine. It helped Jews emigrate, but it forced them to give up most of their possessions to Germany before leaving. (Yewon Yoo)
  • Germany withdraws from the League of Nations

    Germany withdraws from the League of Nations
    When Germany withdraws from the League of Nations they are starting to interrupt international relations. Their relations with the other countries of the world become more hostile. By leaving the League of Nations they are no longer subject to the League of Nation's decisions. (Alexandru M)
  • German officer core pledges allegiance to Hitler

    President Hindenburg was the last thing in Hitlers way to get absolute power of Germany. When he died on August 2nd, 1934. There was a vote if the people in Germany would approve of Hitlers absolute power over Germany. 89.9% voted for Hitler and then he made a new law saying that the members of the armed forces and civil servants had to swear loyalty to Hitler.
  • 30 June 1934, Knight of Long Knives

    30 June 1934, Knight of Long Knives
    Night of Long Knives, also known as the Roehm-Putsch, was the killing of Ernst Roehm who was a Nazi SA officer. Hilter ordred to murder him because he was a potential rival. It showed the SA that Hitler was ready to get rid of them. (edo)
  • 25 July, 1934, Juli -Putsch

    25 July, 1934,  Juli -Putsch
    Juliputsch (July Putsch) was a failed attempt to get rid of the Austrofacitst in Austria by the German Nazi's
  • 2 August 1934, Fuehrer

    2 August 1934, Fuehrer
    Fuehrer or leader in english, was Hitlers first day in political office as chairman of the Nazi, he was also given the name fuehrer or leadr. (edo)
  • Hitler becomes supreme leader of Germany

    Hitler becomes supreme leader of Germany
    Adolf HItler combines the offices of President and Chancellor, becoming the Fuhrer. This is significant because it gives Hitler all the power, and starts his reign as dictator. (Seb)
  • Hitlers Presidential Vote

    Hitlers Presidential Vote
    After the death of Paul Hindenburg on the 3rd of August, presidential polls on the 19 of August show that hitler has 88% of the vote. There were around 38 million votes for hitler. (Seb)
  • Saar Land

    Saar Land
    The league of Nations conducted a vote for the Saar Land. Around 90% of the vote stated that the land be returned to the german republic and not to the French. National Socialists where apart of large Political campaigns, but still everyone supported that the Saar be retuned to Germany. (Seb)
  • Nuremburg Laws introduced in Germany

    Nuremburg Laws introduced in Germany
    Germany announces the Nuremburg laws by which Jews got geprived of their German citizenship and intermarriage with Jews got forbidden. Alex Scheller
  • German Reoccupation of the Rhineland

    German Reoccupation of the Rhineland
    Hitler violates the terms the treaty of Versailes by sending troops across the Rhein and they remilitarized the Rheinland. Hitler took advantage of the crisis in Ethiopia, which diverted the French and English attention from Europe, and defended his actions by claiming the threat of encirclement by France and he Soviet Union through their new alliance system. Alex Scheller
  • Berlin Olympic Games 1 - 16 August 1936 (Mr. A)

    Berlin Olympic  Games 1 - 16 August 1936 (Mr. A)
    Germany hosted the 1936 Summer Olympics. Hitler used the opportunity to reintegrate Germany into the international community and to showcase the superiority of his "Aryan Race". Hitler also used the Olympics to to show the lack of anti-semitism in Germany. Jews were not forced to wear the David Star and anti-Jewish propaganda was removed. Anti-Semitism continued after the Olympics. Despite the success of African-Americans like Jesse Owens, Germany won the overwhelming majority of Gold medals.
  • German-Italian Alliance (Chris)

    German-Italian Alliance (Chris)
    Mussolini gives a speech in Milan, Italy. He speaks about the alliance between Germany and Italy. He said at the alliance is an "axis".
  • Anti-Commitern Pact

    Anti-Commitern Pact
    Anti-Commitern Pact was a pact created by Germany and Japan. They were later followed by the Italians. This was a pact to attempt the isolation and elimination of all Communism, and the worldwide attempt to spread Communism. This intimidated the Soviets, so they seeked support from other democratic states, as to avoid isolation. (CHRIS)
  • Guernica (Chris)

    Guernica (Chris)
    The bombing of Guernica was a very devistating event. Gernika was a very small city, and most of it was completely destroyed. German and Italian warplanes flew threw Guernica and bombed it. It was bombed, because it was considered a resistance, so that is why it became a target.
  • German annexation of Austria Pt.2 (Chris)

    German annexation of Austria Pt.2 (Chris)
    The French were too occupied to deal with the Germans. The French had the cabinet crisis. Britain had always accepted the Anschluss. Czechoslovakia did not say anything about the Anschluss, because their government was in a too vunerable situation. The Western Powers accepted the Anschluss.
  • German Annexation of Austria Pt. 1 (Chris)

    German Annexation of Austria Pt. 1 (Chris)
    This was the day that the German Military marched into Austria, and added six million people to the German Reich. The Austrians were not upset about this, they were actually very pleased, because people had been waiting for the unification of both nations for years.
    Also, Benito Mussolini was deeply involved in the pacification of Ethiopia, and barely even noticed the unification of Austria and Germany. The French were too worried about the cabinet crisis, so they had no time to oppose...
  • Evian Conference

    Evian Conference
    The Evian Conference took place in France from 6-13 July of 1938. 31 countries gathered in order to discuss the increasing amounts of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. Great Britain, as well as France, claimed that they could not accept anymore refugees. Therefore, US President Roosevelt tried to make the conference a meeting place for a final decision for the Jewish refugees.
  • Évian Conference

    Évian Conference
    Between July 6th and July 13th the Évian Conference was initiated by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt to discuss the issue of a increase of numbers of Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. 31 countries met in Évian-les-Bains in France to address the matters. (Olivia)
  • The Munich Agreement

    The Munich Agreement
    The Munich Agreement was signed on the September 30th, yet dated to have occured on the 29th. Britain (Neville Chamberlain), Germany (Adolf Hitler), Italy (Benito Mussolini) and France (Édouard Daladier) Representatives met in Munich to discuss the future of the Sudetenland. Germany wanted the annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland. (Olivia)
  • The Sudetenland Relegation

    The Sudetenland Relegation
    Between October 1st and October 10th 1938, the Sudetenland was relegated to Nazi Germany. On the 1st, Germany entered the Sudetenland. Also The Sudetenland Commemorative Medal was decorated and Nazi Germany was rewarded. (Olivia)
  • Reichskristallnacht Pogrom

    Reichskristallnacht Pogrom
    This State organized Kristallnacht lasted from the 9-10 of November 1939. The reason for the burning of over 1,000 synagogues and the destruction of over 7,000 Jewish buisnesses was the assasination of Ernst Rath (German diplomat) by Herschel Grynszpan. The aftermath of Kristallnacht was 91 deaths and 30,000 Jews sent to concentration camps, i.e. Dachau. The Kristallnacht was carried out by the SS, the SA Stormtroopers and civilians.
  • German Occupation of Czechoslovakia

    German Occupation of Czechoslovakia
    Hitler established the Munich Agreement in order to officially state his wish of adding the Sudetenland (in Czechoslovakia) to his Grossdeutschland. After invading Czechoslovakia and taking the Sudetenland, the rest of the country was weak. On the 16th of March, the German Wehrmacht took over the rest of Czechoslovakia. The occupation lasted till the end of WW2.
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

    Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
    Pact between the USSR and NAzi-Germany consisting of 2 points (one secret point).
    1) Nonaggression Pact
    2) Division of Poland. Allowing the USSR to invade Finland, Estonia, Latvia & controling Eastern Europe. Nazi-Germany is allowed to control Western Europe. (Valerie)
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The Invasion of Poland was also called September Campaign, Poland Campaign and Polenfeldzug and happened one week after the signing of the Molotov-RIbbentrop Pact. Poland was invaded by Nazi-Germany, the USSR and a small Slovak group. The Polish forces tried to hold off the German army, yet had to give in. They kept waiting for French and English support, yet their help was rather limited.