Mennonite History

  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther’s 95 Thesis

  • Mar 9, 1522

    Ulrich Zwingli Suasage meal

  • Jan 21, 1525

    The First Re-baptism. Konrad Grebel

  • Sep 28, 1525

    Peasant War

  • Jan 5, 1527

    Martyrdom of Felix Manz

  • Feb 24, 1527

    Shleitheim Convention

    Led by Michael Sattler
  • May 20, 1527

    Death of Michael Sattler

  • Aug 1, 1527

    Martyrs Synod

  • Jan 1, 1528

    The Beginning of communal living (Hutterrites)

  • Jan 1, 1533

    Melchior Hoffman arrested

  • Jan 1, 1534

    Luther’s Complete Bibel Translation

  • Jan 1, 1535

    First Anabaptist group fled. To Prussia

  • Apr 7, 1535

    Death of 300 Anabaptist radicals. Menno’s brother

  • Jun 24, 1535

    The fall of Munster

    The tragedy of Munster
  • Jan 1, 1536

    Conversion of Menno Simons

  • Feb 25, 1536

    Death of Jacob Hutter

  • Jan 1, 1540

    Book of Fundamentals. Menno Simons

  • Jan 1, 1549

    Mennonite church founded in Prussia

  • Hans Landis. Last Martyr of this Period

  • First Anabaptist in America

  • Start of the Amish Church

  • First Immigration of the Amish

  • Mennonites were first allowed to build Churches

  • First immigration to Russia

  • Johan Cornies came to power

    He was appointed by Russian by Government to be head of agriculture
  • First Mennonites delegates arrive in Canada

  • Period: to

    Mennonites moved to America

  • Start of WW1 and persecution of Mennonites in Russia

  • Land Expropriation Act

  • Bolshevik Government. Start of the persecution in Russia.

  • MCC begins helping Mennonites in Russia

  • Mennonites migrate to Mexico

  • Period: to

    Russian Mennonite refugees come to Mexico

  • Mennonites migrate to Paraguay

  • Mennonite Fernheim Colony founded in Paraguay

  • Mennonites arrive in Brazil

  • Mexican government closed Mennonite schools

  • Mennonite deportation

  • Departure from Molotschna

  • Klein Gemeinde Families moved to Mexico (Jagueyes)

  • Mennonite refugees arrive in Uruguay

  • First Mennonites arrive in Argentina

  • First Mennonites settle in Bolivia

  • First Mennonites come to Belize

  • Founding of Steinrich Church and CMM

  • Missionary building in Quinta Lupita

  • Founding of Mennonite Gemeinde

  • Second Mennonite group arrive in Argentina

  • Today