Menachim was born
Menachim Wolfovitch Begin was born on this date. Menachim was born in Brest-Litovsk, Poland. Menachim was born the youngest of three children. -
Period: to
The life of Menachim begin
Warsaw University
Menachem Begin enrolled in Warsaw University in 1931 -
Law Degree
He was granted his law degree on this date. -
Polish betar
Menachim begin became head of Polish Betar in 1939, one of the most influential positions of leadership in pre-Holocaust Jewish Europe -
Menachim gets married
Menachim Begin got married to a Aliza Arnold. And they had 3 children named benjamin Chasia and Leah. 2 girls and 1 boy. -
On this date Menachim Begin was asked to assume command of the Irgun Zva'i Leumi (known as ETZEL, the Hebrew acronym for "National Military Organization"). In this capacity, he directed ETZEL's operations against British rule. -
Menachim came into power
Menachim Begin became prime Minister on this date until 1982. Menachim was the 6th Prime Minister of Israel. He signed the historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt with President Anwar el Sadat of Egypt and US President Jimmy Carter at Camp David in 1979. Begin died Mar 9, 1992, at Tel Aviv, Israel. -
Menachim's Wife
On this date Menachim Begin's wife passed away. -
Menachim Begin passes away
Menachim Died in the age of 78 in Tel-Aviv Israel.