Harry styles apparel

Men's Apparel 1920's to 1970's

  • 1920's Prosperity

    1920's Prosperity
    Right after WWI, the 20s were booming. Men dressed in full piece suits due to the prosperity of the early 20s.
  • 1930's Depression

    1930's Depression
    Although the men are still dressed in their suits from the 20s, their hats droop more now due to the depression among them.
  • 1940's WWII

    1940's WWII
    As the men prepare to enter another world war, coat hemlines drop and pant waistlines rise.
  • 1950's Ivy League Look

    1950's Ivy League Look
    As incomes rise and more synthetics are being developed, an Ivy League Look is developed. Men are wearing gray flannel suits, skinny ties, and button-down shirts.
  • 1960's London Influence

    1960's London Influence
    As the beatles hit the scene in the 60s, men's fashion is inspired by them and many other London influences, including the turtleneck.
  • 1970's Individualism

    1970's Individualism
    Leisure suits and bell bottoms make their run in men's fashion during this decade of individualism and equal rights.