
Memorable Events in My Life

  • I'm Born

    I'm Born
  • My First Trip

    My First Trip
    In April 2004 I went to my first trip to Río Dulce
  • I Discover My Inside Photgrapher

    I Discover My Inside Photgrapher
    I receive an electronic camera for kids.
  • I move...

    I move...
    I move from my old, lonely, boring apartment/building to much, sociable, and bigger one.
  • I leave my school

    I leave my school
    I finally leave the school I hate and join a much better one.
  • My Grandpa Receives his christmas present

    My Grandpa Receives his christmas present
    Exctly at 2:58 AM fo christmas morning, my grandpa who stayed suffering for about 3 years because of health, blood, lung, and heart problems, went to heaven. This was good for him.
  • I start Gaming

    I start Gaming
    With some of my savings, I buy my first PC game... Portal 2.
  • I enter a NEW school

    I enter a NEW school
    I enter in my first day to School Colegio Interamericano
  • I start taking real photos

    I start taking real photos
    I recieved my iPod 5 for christmas, and after a month I start to take better pictures. Artistic pictures.
  • I start school

    I start school
    I enter my first (horrible) school.