Germans elect the Nazi party, making them the largest party in Germany
This is a very important part of the WWII legacy because it was the start of the rise of Nazi Germany. The German people elected the Nazi party because of the broken economy and the promises that Hitler made to fix this, which appealed to all classes of Germany. -
FDR is elected President of United States
Franklin Roosevelt is elected the 32nd president of the united states. FDR is going to play a huge role in the WWII as he will be the active president while in WWII, FDR will have to lead America and Allies to victory. He will declare on Japan, leaving neutrality -
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Hitler rise of prominence in Germany lead him to grab the spot of chancellor. with Hitlers promises and unwavering support to promise to fix the poor economy and great wound affected by the cruel terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the votes were a stellar amount of aid from the people he was able to grab the spot with power and influence the future decisions of Germany -
Germany quits League of Nations
Hitler claimed that western powers would not allow Germany to have military equality. Informing the League of nation with a letter of their withdraw, Germany followed with a huge military build up violating the agreements of the Locarno Pact. -
Nazis murder the Austrian chancellor
Austrian chancellor Dollfuss tries to cut down on the Nazi political party spreading because he believed that the ideology was tearing his country apart. Therefore he banned the Nazi party, this led to the Hitler ordering Austrian Nazi's to bring chaos in Austria which turned into an attempted of overthrowing the government and led to the murder of the Chancellor. -
Hitler becomes the Furer of Germany
With the death of the President of Paul von Hindenburg, Hitler rose from Chancellor to Furer of Germany, making him the full dictator of Germany. -
Hitler violates the Treaty of Versailles
Hitler moves troops into Rhineland a demilitarized zone, claiming Germany felt threatened. Disregarding the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Pact Hitler began to militarize Rhineland. Hitler violates the Treaty and Pact that Germany has signed after WWI. Hitler is showing aggression and actually coming though with his promises to the people that voted for him. This is one of the first military moves that he has made to show his military power. -
Stalin begins the purge of the Red Army Generals
The Great Purge campaign was another showcase of the aggression of Germany. With Stalin frightful of German attack he ordered purges for the communist party and government official who admitted to guilt under torture, they were then arrested for anti-soviet activity, sabotage or spying, but most were killed. Hitler even had his hand in high up soviet officials. With the ongoing attack from Germany on to the Soviet Union Stalin had to stay on his toes. -
Germany invades Poland
Hitler orders German troops to invade Poland. Hitler affirmed that it was just defensive action but Britain and France didn't buy it, which led to them declaring war on Germany commencing WWII. This is one of the major reasons why WWII started, why other countries and allies entered the war. After the invasion Germany and Soviet Union divide the land. -
Britian,France and New Zealand declare war on Germany
After the invasion of Poland, Hitler claimed that it was a defensive war but Britain and France new better, therefore they declared war of Germany This is the start of of WWII. British boats were sunk by German U-boats with passengers on board, this was more or less the last straw so Britain and their French allies declared war. -
America claims neutrality
After the German U-boats sink a British ship with passengers on it with 28 being American Roosevelt untroubled by it deciding to remain neutral. Even though he decided to remain neutral now soon FDR will be faced with German aggression. Their relentlessness for sinking boats with American passengers FDR will soon be put into a situation were he must choose to remain neutral or go declare war on Germany after they remain to take innocent american lives. -
United States freezes German assests from America
Hostile relations with Germany provoked Roosevelt to freeze German assets This is one of the major reason Japan ends up bombing Pearl Harbor. -
Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor
There are many reason why Japan bombs Pearl Harbor it leads up to this because of what America has done suspending relations, putting and embargo on trade and freezing assets these were building blocks to the attack. America who claimed neutrality throughout the war, will finally break it silence and declare war on Japan after two years of conflict, leading to Germany and Italy declaring war on the United States. -
D-Day landings on the northern coast of France
The battle of Normandy was on the most extensive battles, but it was for a good cause as the soldiers fought for liberation of European countries under Nazi Germany's ruling during WWII. D-Day is commonly known as the begging of the end of Nazi Germany as allied troops were able to hold their ground and defend against Nazi Germany. -
First atomic bomb dropped, on Hiroshima Japan
With American soldier tired and weary from fight and the Japanese not giving up any time soon, and success with the Manhattan Project President Truman had a decision to make. There were still Japanese soldiers stationed guarding against invasions. The decisions to drop the bombs would change would a lasting impact still to this day. After the dropping of the bombs Japan would surrender but after the news of nuclear weapons other communist countries would begin to want to develop nuclear weapons -
United Nations is born
After the World War countries wanted to avoid conflict and be able to negotiate peace easily. the United Nations is born, there were many attempts before but this is the final draft that sticks and is still intact to this day.