Meme War and Renaissance of October: A Timeline

  • Bear in the Big Blue House

    Bear in the Big Blue House
    Suffering from a drought of fresh memes, me_irl forces the Bear in the Big Blue House memes
  • Period: to

    Meme War and Renaissance of October

    r/me_irl is a subbreddit on the popular website, Reddit, that is the primary source for all of the U.S.'s memes. Usually there is a single meme of the month, but the Meme War of October spawned a Renaissance that put forth a new meme almost everyday
  • Skeletor Returns

    Skeletor Returns
    Skeletor memes return to combat the Bear in the Big Blue House memes
  • Bionicles

    Only two days after the re-release of Skeletor memes does a new meme arise. This one revolves around bionicles.
  • Star Wars Battlefront II

    Star Wars Battlefront II
    Bionicle memes last less than a day before a new meme takes over, this one focusing on the hit video game from 2005.
  • Coma Memes

    Coma Memes
    Coma memes began to appear after the death of two other memes occurred within a few days. Since memes usually last around a month if they're good, this was surprising and this fact actually spawned a new meme that would endure all of October
  • The Resurrection of Dat Boi

    The Resurrection of Dat Boi
    Things seemingly slow down for a day as Battlefront Memes wipe out the Bionicle memes. However, this peace is short lived as a dead meme is brought back
  • Ken Bone

    Ken Bone
    Dat Boi memes last only hours before a new meme arises. Ken Bone, a regular man at the presidential debate, has become a hot new meme for no real reason. He becomes an internet sensation
  • Trebuchets

    Ken Bone lasts for a solid 3 days before the introduction of a new sensation; a siege engine capable of launching a 90kg stone over 300m
  • Wallace and Gromit

    Wallace and Gromit
    Wallace and Gromit make their debut onto the meme scene, taking over for a short period before being sent back to the sidelines
  • "Meta" Memes

    "Meta" Memes
    Suddenly "meta" memes (memes that are self aware) begin taking over. This is ultimately short lived however
  • Robbie Rotten

    Robbie Rotten
    Robbie Rotten, the antagonist from the kids' show Lazy Town, suddenly makes an appearance. This new meme is quickly pushed aside as the actor for Robbie Rotten reveals he has a terminal illness
  • Me Too Thanks

    Me Too Thanks
    After the Robbie Rotten meme's death, people were desperate for new memes. So came the advent of saying "me too thanks" or some combination of words that sound similar
  • The Fall of the Meme Renaissance

    The Fall of the Meme Renaissance
    After "me too thanks" came the fall of the October Meme Renaissance. Posters started saying "Screencap this and post it to me_irl, they'll upvote anything", which was actually true. So for the rest of October we saw "They'll upvote" anything memes all across the board, dominating the spectrum
  • The End of October

    As October came to end, me_irl became more stable and began producing a steady flow of memes once again, occasionally pulling some of the memes spawned in October. The meme renaissance had come to an end just as abruptly as it had started