Born (+)
And so it begins -
Sister (+)
Welcome Julie, I won't ever stop "mothering" you. I am thankful that we have eachother. -
Settlement (-)
My abuser was jailed and ordered to pay a "settlement." This was to be saved and used as/if needed for "recovery". -
Divorce (-)
My mom was only 16 when they married, my dad was in Vietnam, and I followed shortly after; this was to much for them to overcome. My parents decided to divorce. -
Death (-)
My mother lost her brother and she stayed checked out. We lost our mom. -
Violin (+)
I decided in fifth grade to play the violin. I am not great but I still play to this day. -
Concert (+)
My Aunt Cathy took me to my first concert. Barry Manilow. -
Rebellion (-)
This will last a while, settle, and then reappear in my 20's. -
To Grandmother's house I go (+)
My downward spiral causes me to be asked to leave my High School and my home. My grandmother takes me in and provides some of the "mommie" comfort I am longing for. -
High School Part Deux (+)
I start at a new school and try to pull myself out of the hole that I had gotten myself into. -
Dad (+)
My sister still lived with my mother and it was hard for us to be apart. My dad decided it was time to involve himself in our lives and moved us in. -
Moved (+)
My dad got a bigger house in another school district so my sister and I would both be changing schools. -
Tams (+)
Tried out and made the dance team. -
Albertons (+)
My first "offical" job -
Ran for senior class treasurer and won! This was a huge personal victory for me -
Graduation (+)
I was in the last graduating class at Reynolds Hish School. My leadership position enabled me to give a speech during commencement. -
Sweden (+)
I decided to spend the money that I had been awarded in the settlement to travel to Sweden for the summer. This was one of the few times I had spoke to my family about "it." Personally, it was a victory, and secretly I wanted to go there to find a prince. -
My 20's (-)
In getting my young and stupid out, I realize that I have some residual from prior "confusions" and hurts from my youth; angst. -
Kyler (+)
Because of you I found the courage to change the things I would never have changed for myself. You are my greatest gift. -
Opti Craft (+)
Still going. -
My own place (+)
First time to be completey on my own. -
Mark (+)
:) A good man -
Lost my Grandpa (-)
I was very close with my Grandfather. This is a hard loss for me. -
Lost Kirk (-)
My ex husband and sons father died today. -
Thankful (-)
God let's me know that he wants me on this earth and I believe it. I was close to death, the doctor held my hand as he stopped and restarted my heart. I had a misdiagnosed heart condition. I ended up having three surgeries this year. -
WPC (+)
A degree is on my bucket list. -
Progress (+)
My son and I are well, he is starting the sixth grade and I have transitioned into the business program at Warner. We have defintely had things to overcome (especially as of late) but look forward to the unknowns of the future. The rest is still unwritten.