Melisa Guerra

  • Birth

    I born in Trenton, New Jersey on November 7, 1999. I am the second oldest of 6.
  • Brother's Birth

    Brother's  Birth
    On February 14, 2002, my brother, Jose, was born. He's the only boy out of 5 girls.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    On November 14, 2002, my sister, Daniela was born. She's the third oldest of the girls.
  • My Pre-School Graduation

    My Pre-School Graduation
    I graduated from Stepping Stones in 2005. I was upset for leaving my teacher who was named Ms.Melissa.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    On June 15, 2008, my sister, Maritery, was born. She is the only girl with blue/green eyes which makes me mad.
  • Started @ Foundation Academies

    Started @ Foundation Academies
    I left Dunn Middle School and came to Foundation Academy Charter School in 2012. My mami didn't want me in the "bad" school.
  • Guatemala Visit

    Guatemala Visit
    In the summer of 2013, I went to Guatemala for the first time. It was so fun.
  • My Quince

    My Quince
    I turned 15 and had my traditional party. It was fun and got a lot of money.
  • Sister's Birth

    Sister's Birth
    On March 15, 2015, my sister, Kendra, was born. Those who have me on Snapchat know that she is my heart in human form.
  • Disney World

    Disney World
    I visited Disney for the first time in September of 2016. It was so magical and I'm going again this summer.