
Megan's Labor Timeline

  • Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor was organized in Philadelphia garment workers in 1869. It opened to farmers, merchants, and wage earners. Their objectives were to have equal pay for equal work, abolish child labor, and 8 hour work days.
  • American Federation of Labor (AFL)

    American Federation of Labor (AFL)
    American Federation of Labor focused on better working conditions. It wanted better pay. They also wanted union labels on produced items. It was craft oriented.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Workers in Chicago marched for an 8 hour day protest. The police came to break up the strike. Anarchist were blamed for violence. The public saw unions and anarchists as a problem. There was 8 policemen dead and 100's injured.
  • Labor Day holiday created

    Labor Day holiday created
    It was started because of people all ages working 12 hours a week 7 days a week. A lot of different strikes help along with the wanting of Labor Day. Finally, the American Federation of Labor announced that there could be Labor Day as a day off on the first Monday of September.
  • "How the Other Half Lives"

    "How the Other Half Lives"
    This was written by Jacob Riis who was a photojournalist. It was about a bunch of poor people that lived in tenements. They were thirsty and some dying of sicknesses like measles. Some smelled because there was no way to take a shower. Their houses were in poor condition not having a lot of room.
  • The Homestead Strike

    The Homestead Strike
    It was a lockout and strike that began June 30, 1892 culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6. This one was one of the most serious in US labor history. It happened in the Pittsburgh are town of Homestead, PA between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and the Carnegie Steel Company. Finally, there was a major defeat for the union and a setback for efforts to unionize steelworkers.
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    The company built town of Pullman so workers could rent homes from owner, George M. Pullman but the rent was high. Workers went on strike and within days thousands of railroad workers in 27 states went on strike. This meant there was no transportation from Chicago to the West Coast. The union leaders were arrested and imprisoned; the strike collapsed.
  • The Coal Strike

    The Coal Strike
    The was a strike by the United Mine Workers of America in the coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania. It threatened to shut down the winter supply to all major cities. President Roosevelt became involved and set up a fact finding commission that suspended the strike. The workers got more pay for fewer hours.
  • "The Jungle"

    "The Jungle"
    This was written by Upton Sinclair. It was about the meat packing industry where the floors were gross full of germs. They grinded everything together like poisoned rats, meat, and dirt and spit. They never washed their hands and many people could get sick from eating this meat.
  • "The Bitter Cry of Children"

    "The Bitter Cry of Children"
    This was written by John Spargo. He once worked in the coal breakers too. This was about 10 and 12 year old boys being forced to work in the coal breakers and they would get hurt and sick. They never went to school.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    This was United States federal law. It provided federal inspection of meat products. They also forbade the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products and poisonous patent medicines.
  • Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    This was a factory in NYC. It went down to flames by a person who threw a cigarette. It killed 146 people some of them being kids. It was like a bring your kid to work day and they locked all the doors making it unable for anyone to escape.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization

    Congress of Industrial Organization
    It was a part of the AFL until 1935. Congess of Industrial Organization broke away because it advocated organization along industrial lines rather than craft lines. They finally reintegrated into AFL in 1955.
  • The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

    The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
    This was considered Pro Labor. They had labor's right to organize legally recognized. It created National Labor Relations Board. They had the power to punish unfair labor practices.
  • GM Sit-Down Strike

    GM Sit-Down Strike
    This was a strike by General Motors employees that shut down the plant operations in Flint, Michigan. The action against General Motors brought the tactic of sit down strikes and their effectiveness to the attention of the general public. Sit down strikes involve workers staying at workplace to prevent normal business operations from being conducted. GM recognized the UAW and workers were able to, for the first time in history, participate in the running of GM.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    Federal regulation of child labor achieved in Fair Labor Standards Act. For the first time, minimum ages of employment for children are regulated by federal law. Also, the first time for hours of work for children are regulated by federal law.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    This was a strike by the United Steel workers of America against US Steel and nine other steelmakers. The steel companies sued to regain control of their facilites after President Truman nationalized industry hours. The United States Supreme Court ruled in Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer vs. US that the president lacked the authority to seize the steel mills. Steelworkers struck to win a wage increase.
  • Major League Baseball Strike

    Major League Baseball Strike
    This was the first players' strike in Major League Baseball history. It resumed when the owners and players agreed on a $500,000 increase. They missed 86 games over a 13 day time period.
  • New York City Transit Strike

    New York City Transit Strike
    This was a strike in NYC called by the Transport Workers Union Local 100. Negotiations for a new contract with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority broke down over retirement, pension, and wage increase. Most all New York City Transit Authority personnel observed the strike and halted all service on the subway and buses. Millions of commuters were affected. In this picture all of the lights are red showing that no transportation is being used.