meet Clifford Ainsworth

  • wedding of cliffords parents

    they married after she was pregnant and had already moved in with their maternal grandparents
  • birth of Clifford Ainsworth

    birth of Clifford Ainsworth
    birth of cliffor in the city of maidstone
    (the exact day isn't mentioned in the text)
  • Period: to

    childhood of clifford

    he spent 5 years of his childhood in maidstone
  • Period: to

    move to london

    the family set off for a 5 day walk to london to try their luck there
  • death of clifford's mother

    death of clifford's mother
    after reaching london the mother got work as a seamstress. And after sicks months she died of a fever. Cliford was six years old
  • an overseer came

    the overseer placed cliffords unemployed father in a house of correction. Cliford was sent to a baker called Alastair Woolwych. where his apprenticeship woud start
  • Period: to


    mr Woolwych taught cliford everything about being a baker
    Alastair Woolwych died 1 year later
  • marriage of clifford

    Clifford married Bronwyn Woolwych, the youngest daughter of mr Woolwych
  • clifford became his own master

    mr Woolwych retired and Clifford became hsi own master
  • Period: to

    expansion of the family

    1656: birth of Adam
    1658: birth of richard
    1659: birth of twin daughters
  • start apprenticeship of Adam

    now that Adam is eight he will start his aprenticeship in the bakery.