
Meet Clifford Ainsworth

By Diana B
  • 1630 BCE


    in 1630 Clifford's parents got dismissed when the townspeople discovered that Clifford's mom was pregnant. They moved in with Clifford's maternal parents.
  • marriage

    Clifford's parents got married.
  • Birth

    On this day Clifford was born.
  • To London

    until December 1635 they lived with his maternal parents. At the end of december they started their 5 day walk to London.
  • Mother

    his mother passed away from a fever
  • Baker

    an overseer placed his dad in a house of correction for refusing to work and Clifford waqs sented to a baker, Alistair Woolwych
  • marriage

    Clifford got married to the bakers daughter, Bronwyn.
  • teaching

    the baker teached Clifford everything there was to know about being a baker
  • tetiring

    Alastair retired, Clifford bacame his own boss in the bakery
  • Father-in-law died

    Alastair died...
  • Adam

    Clifford's family expanded, Adam was born
  • Richard

    his 2nd child was born, Richard
  • Twin

    to make the family complete theu also got a twin.
  • Adam and the bakery

    Adam became 8 and Clifford decided that Adam sould learn everything about the bakery so Adal started his apprenticeship