Medieval Japan

  • Period: Apr 25, 1185 to Apr 26, 1333

    Kamakura period

  • Apr 25, 1192

    Installation of the Shogunate

    Installation of the Shogunate
  • Apr 25, 1268

    Declining all trade

    The kamakura shogunate had declined all trade with any country especially China.
  • Apr 25, 1336

    Another shogunate

    Another shogunate
    The period began with the installment of the Ashikaga shogunate.
  • Period: Apr 25, 1336 to Apr 26, 1573

    Muromachi period

  • Period: Apr 25, 1467 to Apr 26, 1477

    The Onin war

    The Bakufu government fell during this time as Japan fell into anarchy
  • Period: Apr 25, 1568 to

    Azuchi Momoyama period

  • Apr 25, 1582

    The death of Oda Nobunaga

    The death of Oda Nobunaga
    On his way to help give military aid to a friend he was forced to commit seppuku in Kyoto.