
Medical Technology Advancements

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    Immunization is a process where a persons immune system becomes more strong against infections or diseases. Some examples who be vaccines or shots.The first ever vaccine was made by Edward Jenner in 1798. This has impacted society a lot since it helps prevent any infection. Because of this today there has been less causes of deaths than back in the day. For example by 2004 there has been less cases of measles than in 1954.
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    Nano Medicine

    Richard Feynman first discovered Nano Medicine. Its purpose is to enhance the action of also has been stated that Nano Medicine can sense any action in a living organism. Nano Medicine has impacted society to find more research about since its been predicted that by the 20th century it may be able to cure many of the recent diseases we have.
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    Artificial Heart

    An Artificial Heart is the transplant of a heart that replaces the damaged heart. This Idea has provided to have an extra ventricle which is a chamber where helps pump blood around the body. This artificial heart has given people another opportunity to live life. This design was created by a team including Willem Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik. In 2004 the CardioWest Total Artificial heart received and FDA approval.
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    Robotic Surgery

    Robotic Surgery was created by the Da Vinci surgery system was the first Robotic Surgery that was approved. This Machinery makes tiny incisions to help surgeons to make a more complex work while having a less chance of making a wrong move. This has improved the medical advancements by helping people of many ages to have less pain, recover more fast, smaller incisions and reduced scarring.
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    HIV Cocktail

    No one has claimed to be the discoverer of it. This is a Antiretroviral therapy for Aids/HIV. This has changed the life of many people from being deadly to becoming managed or under control. By the 20th century the levels of people living with HIV has been the highest its been.
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    Bionic Prosthetic

    Bionic prosthetic is an artificial replacement for a part of the body for functional or cosmetic need.This invention was created by a group of students that was led by David Gow. Bionic prosthetic has impacted society in the this century by giving people a second chance to experience life without the lost of anything.
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    Health Tracker app Myfitnesspal

    Albert Lee and Mike Lee have been an impact also in society for inventing the health tracker app that is called Myfitnessapp. This app calculates the number of calories you've consumed and how many you have burnt from exercise. This type of technology helps the people in need to lose or maybe gain weight to stay healthy.
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    Gene Editing

    Gene editing is the ability to customize or change sequences of DNA, this process uses enzymes. The person who created this fantastic project was Jennifer Dounda. This project has impacted society by being able to understand the human body even more. This idea was created to come up with DNA to be able to prevent any disease or infections.
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    Hep C Cure ( Sovaldi)

    Sovaldi is one of the many medications that is used to treat hepatitis. This medication was made by Rice and Bartenschlagers invention and Michael Sofia. This medication is really expensive but it has helped many patients with hepatitis. It has been stated recently that this could lead up to 90-100 percent that hepatitis can be cured.
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    Immunotherapy has been a good impact advancement in the health advancements because it helps people to improve their immune system. Throughout the years there has been many different and new diseases that have been spread and this therapy works and helps out by giving the body a better defense to fight it. Robert Coffin