Medical History

  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1300

    Middle Ages

  • 1256

    Theodoric Borogognoni

    Theodoric Borogognoni
    Theodoric Borgognoni, also known as Teodorico de' Borgognoni, and Theodoric of Lucca, was an Italian who became one of the most significant surgeons to ever live in the medieval period.
  • 1260

    Henri de Mondeville

    Henri de Mondeville
    Henri de Modeville was a medieval French surgeon who made a significant number of contrabutions to anatomy and surgery. He was the first French man to author a surgical text, "La Chirugie"
  • 1275

    Eye Surgery

    In the middle ages they used a surgery called "needing", to perform cataract surgery, It involved a thick flat needle, which a doctor would push directly into the edge of a person’s cornea, with no anesthetics, except for maybe a cup of bitter red wine.
  • 1280


    If you visited a doctor during the Middle Ages, regardless of your illness, he would have probably prescribed you with the classic bloodletting treatment. If a patient went in with a mild headache and a sore throat, it was common practice for a physician to open a vein with a lancet, and then let the blood flow freely into a container.
  • 1290

    Lanfranc of Milan

    Lanfranc of Milan
    Lanfranc of Milan was a surgeon and a student of Guglielmo da Saliceto. Lanfranc was Involved in the struggles of Guelphs and Ghibellines,
  • Period: Jan 1, 1301 to


  • 1347

    The black deathand the rise of florence

    killed a large percentage of the population, the plague improved the economy, allowing wealthy people to invest in art and display, and engage in secular scholarly study
  • 1520


    After people started dissecting humans, their knowledge of disease and cures for the diseases increased greatly. There were a couple surgeries that became popular during the Renaissance. These surgeries were ones for tumors, hernias, and cesarean sections.
  • 1559

    Realdo Colombo

    Realdo Colombo
    He was an Italian professor of anatomy and surgeon at the University of Padua
  • 1561

    Thomas Vicary

    Thomas Vicary
    He as an english physician, surgeon, and anatomist
  • Ambroise Pare

    Ambroise Pare in considered the father of surgery and modern forensic pathology and a pioneer in surgical techniques and battlefield medicine, especially in the treatment of wounds.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Anesthesia

    Around the 1700s they did not have anesthesia so they used restraints and they also used substances during the the process such as alcohol and opium did little to improve the experience, hich the substances did not improve the expirence.
  • John Hunter

    John Hunter FRS was a Scottish surgeon, one of the most distinguished scientists and surgeons of his day. He was an early advocate of careful observation and scientific method in medicine
  • surgical rooms

    Despite some talented surgeons, most surgery was completed in dirty conditions, with the tools and clothing never being cleaned. This spread infection and death.
  • Thomas Addison

    Tomas Addison as the first doctor to discover Addisons disease
  • Alois Alzheimer

    Alois Alzheimer was the first doctor to ever discover Alzheimers Disease
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Hans Asperger

    He discovered Aspergers syndrome and since he found it he names it after him
  • John Brereton Barlow

    John Brereton Barlow
    John Barlow found Barlows syndrome and what it is, is mitral valve prolapse (also known as "click murmur syndrome"), the most common heart valve abnormality, affecting 5-10% of the world population.
  • Radium Water

    Radium Water
    Water was kept in radium-laced buckets, and people would drink the tainted liquid to cure everything from arthritis to impotence. Of course, this was an awful idea, and when people started to drop dead from this miracle water, the connection was made that th eater was not safe for people to drink
  • Plombage

    Plombage was a risky early 20th century treatment for tuberculosis in which a surgeon would create a cavity in a patient’s lower lung and fill it with a foreign material such as lucite balls
  • Gasoline to Cure Lice

    n the early 20th century, a patient with a bad case of head lice would douse his or her dome with gasoline or kerosene in an effort to rid their scalp of the unwanted guests. While this treatment may have been somewhat effective, it was also incredibly dangerous to anyone who walked near an open flame.
  • artificial intelligence

    artificial intelligence
    The healthcare field will use complex algorithms and software to estimate the human cognition in the analysis of complicated medical date
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Combination Drug theory Extends HIV survival

    the people who make drugs combined stuff and the survival percentages went up about 70% since the 1990s
  • Heart disease deaths drop by 40 Percent

    Heart disease deaths drop by 40 Percent
    When they figured out how to fix heart disease the deaths dropped about 40%
  • Denton Cooley

    Denton Cooley
    Denton Cooley was a Cardiothoracic surgeon and how he bacame famous is he was the first person to do a heart implant of the whole heart
  • Ben Carson

    He was an author and a former Neurosurgeon, who is now serving as the 17th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development since 2017, under the Trump Administration