Medical Advances

By kayday6
  • John Hunter

    John Hunter
    From: Scotland
    Born-Died: 13 February 1728 – 16 October 1793
    Contributions: Surgeon
  • Edward Jenner

    Edward Jenner
    From:Berkeley, Gloucestershire
    Born-DIed: May 17, 1749-January 26, 1823
    COntributions: smallpox vaccine
  • Humphry Davy

    Humphry Davy
    Born-Died: December 17, 1778-May 29, 1829
    Contributions: discovered several alkali and alkaline earth metals
  • James Simpson

    James Simpson
    From: scotland
    Born-Died: June 7, 1811
    Contributions: anaesthetic properties of chloroform
  • Florence Nightingale

    Florence Nightingale
    From: Italy
    Born-Died: May 12, 1820 - August 13, 1910
    Contributes: pioneer of nurses
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Where are they from: Dole, France Born and Died: December 27, 1822 - September 28, 1895. Contribution(s) to medical field during the Industrial Revolution: work in germ theory also led him and his team to create vaccinations for anthrax and rabies
  • Rene Laennec

    Rene Laennec
    From: France
    Born-Died: February 17, 1781 August 13, 1826
    Contributions: invented the stethoscope
  • Joseph Lister

    Joseph Lister
    Where are they from: France
    Born and Died: 1827-1912
    Contribution(s) to medical field during the Industrial Revolution: Antiseptic Surgery
  • Robert Koch

    Robert Koch
    From: Germany
    Born-Died: December 11, 1843 - May 27, 1910
    Contributions: modern bacteriology
  • Wihelm Roentgen

    Wihelm Roentgen
    From: Germany
    Born-Died: March 27, 1845-February 10, 1923
    Contributions: X-rays