Medical advancements 21st century

  • Vaccinations

    Vaccinations were created by Edward Jenner in 1796. Vaccinations are a weakened or killed strain of a virus to help prevent sickness. Newer versions of existing vaccinations came out in 2004 to improve current vaccinations and to make them more of a necessity. Hepatitis A vaccinations became available in 2000 after years of testing
  • Human genome project

    Human genome project
    Alfred Sturtevant created the first gene map in 1911 which was a crucial part in history. The human genome project is an international effort to research and map the entire DNA sequence of the human body. Knowing the map of human DNA gives insight about how to handle different health issues.
  • Artificial heart

    Artificial heart
    In 1983 the first recipient died after living for 112 days in constant agony. Recently in 2004 someone received an artificial heart for 864 days with a portable power source before getting a donor heart. Paul Winchell is the person most credited for the creation of the artificial heart
  • Nano medicine

    Nano medicine
    Nano medicine is the application of nano particles (a form on transport for drugs) that can reach places traditional medicine cant. Nano medicine can single out cancer cells and take out the cancer instead of damaging the whole body with chemotherapy. Frank Boehm is one of the leading researchers in nano medicine.
  • Health tracking apps

    Health tracking apps
    Health tracking apps were created to track what you eat, your physical activity to increase the chance of hitting your health goals. The apps can potentially help users live a healthier life style as long as they use the apps. My fitness pal was created in 2005 by Mike Lee and Albert Lee.
  • Facial transplant

    Facial transplant
    Facial transplants help restore the quality of life. The procedure replaces 100% of the recipients facial tissue with that of the donor. As of August 2018 nearly 40 facial transplants have been performed worldwide. In 2008 Cleveland Clinic was the first hospital to perform a facial transplant, the procedure lasted a whooping 22 hours to give a woman a new face, and new chance at life.
  • Stem cells

    Stem cells
    Stem cells have the potential to develop different types of cells of the body. Doctors are excited because they may be able to help with many different medical advances such as cancers, spinal cord injuries an possibly Parkinson's disease. In 1957 Donnall Thomas attempted the first human bone morrow transplant with stem cells.In 2009 13 lines of human embryonic stem cells have been deemed by the NIH
  • 23andMe

    23andMe is the largest genetic testing, scientist can determine family history and track ancestors. 23andMe can help inform people if they have a potential genetic issue that runs in the family that way they can get help before they get ill. Anne Wojcicki, Linda Avey, and Paul Cusenza founded 23anadMe in 2006 but it didnt provide medical insight until 2010
  • Bionic prosthetics

    Bionic prosthetics
    Prosthetic limbs have been dated back to 600 BC. Today Limbs are able to be connected to the central nervous system. In 2014 an amputee was able to operate 2 upper limb prosthesis for the first time. Bionic prosthesis not only improve movement, they help improve the quality of life by performing more of a natural limb.
  • Augmented Reality

    Augmented Reality
    Augmented reality lets the doctor see inside the body without actually cutting anything open. Augmented reality can help doctors determine where exactly to make incisions and injections, and can display life-saving information for first responders. Augmented reality began in 1990s in the Air force laboratory. In 2014 Small World conducted a google glass experiment.