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  • 476

    The beginnig of the mediaval ages

    The medieval ages is the historical period of Western civilization between the century V and XV. The beggining is located in the year 476 with the "Fall of the Roman Empire of the West"
  • 477

    Medieval Women

    The lives of Medieval women were dependent on their role and status and the men in their families in the times. All Medieval women were expected to be subservient to the men in their family, including their brothers.
  • Period: 500 to 1400

    Medieval Music

    Medieval music consists of songs, instrumental pieces, and liturgical music. And includes solely vocal music, such as Gregorian chant and choral music (music for a group of singers), solely instrumental music, and music that uses both voices and instruments
  • 866

    Medieval Torture

    Medieval Torture was a freely accepted form of punishment. And was condemned in 866.
  • 1066

    Romanesque Architecture

    Is a style of architecture developed between the Roman and the Gothic styles. And is characterized by round arches and vaults and by the substitution of piers for columns. Architects and builders generally used round arches and only very occasionally employed slightly pointed ones.
  • 1200

    Gothic Architecture

    Is a style of architecture developed between the Romanesque and the Renaissance styles of architecture. And is characterized by stained-glass windows, gargoyles, flying buttresses, tall spires and pointed arches. The term used to describe the style of architecture which were used between 1200 AD to 1500 AD.
  • 1453

    The end of the medieval ages

    The medieval age end in 1453 with the "Fall of the Byzantine Empire"