Media Technologies

  • Steam Press

    Steam Press
    While the very first steam printing press was brought forth in Germany in the 1800s, it is also said that Richard M. Hoe invented the first steam rotary press in the United States in 1843. This development also made the Penny Papers possible, which had a great effect on communication and news in the 19th century.
  • Daguerreotype Camera

    Daguerreotype Camera
    The Daguerro brothers invented the first commercially successful photographic process in France and was first announced to the public on August 19, 1939 at a meeting of the French Academy of Sciences in Paris.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse in the United States. The telegraph system sent out a series of dots and dashes for each letter of the alphabet known as "Morse Code". This invention revolutionized communication.
  • Transatlantic Cable

    Transatlantic Cable
    The British ship Great Eastern and Cyrus West field laid the first permanent telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean, allowing for faster and easier communication between North America and London.
  • Motion Picture Camera

    Motion Picture Camera
    The motion picture camera, A.K.A. the Kinetograph, was developed by Thomas Edison with the help of W.K.L. Dickson in West Orange, New Jersey.
  • Motion Picture Projector

    Motion Picture Projector
    Also invented by Edison and Dickson, the motion picture projector, A.K.A. the Kinetoscope, came to fruition in the 1890s, and revolutionized entertainment in the 19th century as well as film making.