Media history

By 874209
  • Early 18th century

    Early 18th century
    The first commercial printing industry sprang up around London's Grub Street
  • Photography

    Photography was invented and methods for reproducing photographs in the print media were improved.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented and in practical use by the late 1840s. It was perhaps the single most important invention in the history of mass communication.
  • Phonograph

    The phonograph emerged as a mass medium as well. It achieved a wider use as electrification of homes allowed for replacement of hand cranked mechanical models.
  • First Radio Station

    First Radio Station
    The first U.S comercial radio station went on the air. Radio networks, linking stations in various parts of the country to carry a single program simultaneously, were first established in 1927.
  • Broadcast T.V.

    Broadcast T.V.
    Broadcast Television emerged as the nexus of the Mass Media. Containing news, drama, cinema, music, and at least some content from all other Mass Media in a single, convienent home appliance.
  • Colored T.V

    Colored T.V
    Color television replaces black-and-white in American homes.
  • Rise of Film

    Rise of Film
    In the 1990s, Independent films in theater began to become popular.
  • iPods and MP3

    iPods and MP3
    In 2001, iPod and MP3 format compressed digital files debut.
  • Early 21 Century

    Early 21 Century
    The familiar influence of Mass Media companies reassured itself heavily in the online world. Studies show that the number of people worldwide that get their news from social media or some internet form continue to grow very year.