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My Industrial age timeline

  • Newspaper

    The London Gazette is one of the official journals of record of the British government, and the most important among such official journals in the United Kingdom, in which certain statutory notices are required to be published. The London Gazette claims to be the oldest surviving English newspaper and the oldest continuously published newspaper in the UK, having been first published on 7 November 1665 as The Oxford Gazette.[a][2] This claim is also made by the Stamford.
  • Printing Press (Mass Production )

    Printing Press (Mass Production )
    A printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread of the printing press was one of the most influential events in the second millennium. The printing press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes Gutenberg around 1440, based on existing screw presses. Gutenberg, a goldsmith by profession, developed a printing system
  • Telegraph

    telegraph was one of the first telecommunications technologies of the industrial age.Telegraph was invented by Samuel morse.this machine sent sent long and short pulses of electricity a long a wire.with the telegraph,it took only a seconds to communicate with another city.the invention of the steamboat and telegraph brought the people of the nation closer to each other
  • Typewriter

    A typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical machine for writing characters similar to those produced by printer’s movable type. A typewriter operates by means ofkeys that strike a ribbon to transmit ink or carbon impressions onto paper. Typically, a single character is printed on each key press. The machine prints characters by making ink impressions of type elements similar to the sorts used in movable type letterpress printing. This was the origin of the term typewriter.
  • Motion picture

    Motion picture
    It was a collapsible bellows-camera and contained a pointed punch which would strike and thereby identify each new exposure on the roll prior to its passing before a slit at the shutter. The dimension of the roll film was 80cm by 8.5cm and operated via a mechanism driven by a key-wound clockwork. The camera turned on the tripod as the film was fed past the shutter in the opposite direction to the camera’s turning.
  • Motion Pictures w/ Sound

    Motion Pictures w/ Sound
    Innovations in sound-on-film led to the first commercial screening of short motion pictures using the technology, which took place in 1923.A sound film is a motion picture with synchronized sound, or sound technologically coupled to image, as opposed to a silent film. The first known public exhibition of projected sound films took place in Paris in 1900, but decades passed before sound motion pictures were made commercially practical