Media Communication Milestone

  • Jan 1, 1445

    Printing press

    Printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. Through his invention, production of books had been made easy.
  • The first alphabet

    The first alphabet
    The 22 letter alphabet are invented in Lebanon and Israel.
  • The Daily Universal Register

    The Daily Universal Register
    In 1785, The Daily Universal Register began its publication in London. By January 1, 1788 it was renamed "The Times."
  • Carbon paper was invented

    Carbon paper was invented
    In 1806, Ralph Wedgwood had invented the carbon paper. The main purpose of this invention is to help the blind people to write through the use of metal stylus instead of quill.
  • The Manchester Guardian

    The Manchester Guardian
    Founded by John Edward Taylor in 1821, the Manchester Guardian was first published on May 5, 1821 and in 1859, it was renamed "The Guardian."
  • The first telegraph

    The first telegraph
    Samuel F.B Morse invented the first electronic communication called "telegraph", using the code that was related to the alphabet, Morse could transmit messages.
  • The Telephone

    The Telephone
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the first telephone, this invention allow individuals to speak to each other even in far distance.
  • Radio broadcasting

    Radio broadcasting
    Guglielmo Macaroni send the first transmission across Atlantic ocean 2,000 miles from Poldhu in Cornwall, England, to Newfoundland, Canada disproving what the detractors says that transmission can only go up to 200 miles. In 1922, BBC begins its Radio broadcasting.
  • World Wide Web

    World Wide Web
    WWW or what we called World Wide Web had been introduced to the public by Tim-Bernes-Lee. It is calle the internet in our today's generation.
  • Paper was invented

    Paper was invented
    in 200 BC, Paper was invented in China . The knowledge of making paper had been passed to the Arabs and later on reached Europe.
  • Expected Graduation Date

  • First writing was invented

    First writing was invented
    This writing origins are from Egyptian and Sumarian which is now called Iraq.