Media Awareness

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    The invention of the printing press

    The invention of the printing press
    Johannes Gutenberg’s invention revolutionized the spread of information, making books and newspapers more accessible.
  • First Newspaper Published

    First Newspaper Published
    The first printed newspaper, originally in German.
  • Penny Press Upcoming

    Penny Press Upcoming
    Newspaper such as The Sun in the U.S made news more affordable, increasing the amount of people buying
  • The Birth of the Radio

    Guglielmo Marconi developed a wireless telegraphy, which started the foundation for a radio broadcasting.
  • First Tv Broadcast

    First Tv Broadcast
    Philo Farnsworth demonstrated the first working television, leading to the start of the broadcasting era
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    Takeover of TV

    Tv became the primary source of news and entertainment, overpowering the radio as the most influential media type.
  • The “First” Internet

    The “First” Internet
    The U.S. Department of Defense created “ARPANET”, which would evolve into the internet.
  • World Wide Web Goes Public

    World Wide Web Goes Public
    Tim Berners-Lee launched the World Wide Web, revolutionizing how people access and share information. Shaping how we have the internet in todays world.
  • Rise of Social Media - First Version of Facebook

    Rise of Social Media - First Version of Facebook
    Facebook and other social media platforms changed how people consume news and interact with each other.
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    The Impact of AI on Media (Launch of AI programs)

    AI-generated content, deepfakes, and automated journalism began reshaping how media is produced and consumed.