Media Arts

  • Period: to

    Media Arts

  • automatic traffic signal

    automatic traffic signal
    invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923 used for controlling traffic at big intersections without help from humans
  • Television

    invented by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, John Logie Baird, and Charles Francis Jenkins in 1927. the television is used to watch cable tv and stream media from other devices/media on demand
  • Electric Razor

    Electric Razor
    the Electric Razor was invented in 1930 by Jacob Schick. the electric razor is used to shave hair of the body of humans and other animals
  • Radar

    the radar was invented in 1935 by Robert Wattson-Watt. the radar is used to predict and track weather around the world
  • Microwave

    the Microwave was invented in 1945 by Percy Spencer. the microwave is used to heat up food in a quick manner.
  • instant camera

    instant camera
    the instant camera was invented 1948 by Edwin Land. the instant camera was used for taking pictures and being able to see the result quicker. although it has been replaced by the current camera which gives you your picture instantly it is on the rise again because of nostalgia.
  • Credit Card

    Credit Card
    the credit card was invented in 1950 by Ralph Schneider. the credit card is one of the most used items in the modern day used for transactions of money.
  • fortran (computer language)

    fortran (computer language)
    fortran was invented in 1954 by John Backus. fortran is a computer language suited for numeric computation and scientific computing going commercial in 1957,devolped by IBM
  • video game consoles

    video game consoles
    in 1960 William Higinbotham invented the first video game console, the Odessy. video game consoles are used a lot today able to play games fro apex legends to the show 22 the big current 3 console makers are Playstation,Xbox,and Nintendo.
  • lunar lander

    lunar lander
    the lunar lander was invented in 1968 with multiple people inventing it. the lunar lander was used to land on the moon for the first time and is a significant part of history.
  • Email

    Email was invented in 1970 by Ray Tomlinson. the email is as it's called electronic mail so now instead of having to mail something to someone taking multiple days,weeks,or months it gets sent almost instantly
  • floppy disk

    floppy disk
    the floppy disk was invented in 1971 by IBM. the floppy disk was used transfer files/info from computer to computer eventually it got phased out by the ore compact USB.
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    the Sony walkman was invnted in 1980 by Sony. the Sony walkman was the first easily portable device you could use to listen to music on by inserting a cassette tape.
  • Personal computer

    Personal computer
    the personal computer was invented in 1987 by IBM. the personal computer has evolved into laptops and PCs but this invention was giant for technological advancements.
  • Photoshop

    pohotoshop was invnted in 1990 by Adobe. photoshop is used to graphically design anything, it is considered the best of its kind.
  • Playstation

    the Playstation was invented in 1994 by Sony. the playstation now has 5 version and is used to play lots of video games even having exclusives like spider-man.
  • USB flash drive

    USB flash drive
    the USB flash drive was invented in 2000 by Fujio Masuaoka. the usb flash drive was a more compact version of the floppy disk and slowly phasing t out.
  • cryptocurrency

    crypto or cryptocurrency was invented in 2010 by Satoshi Nakamoto. cryptocurrency is a digital currency used without aid from banks or the government it is still very big in the world but recently had a crash