1971 video

Media Art works

  • Wolf Wostell

    Wolf Wostell
    Η πατρίδα της video art είναι η Γερμανία, με πρώτο video artist τον Wolf Vostell (1932-1998) και πρώτο έργο το «Sun in your head” (1963).
  • Andy Warhol

    Andy Warhol
    Andy Warhol, "Sleep", 1963
  • Period: to

    Media Art works

    Μερικές δουλειές media καλλιτεχνών (video art, video-installations, installations) ανά χρονολογική σειρά
  • Johan van der Keuken

    Johan van der Keuken
    Johan van der Keuken “The Cat”, 1968,
    Lenght: 5 min.
    Genre: Documentary, Experimental, Short
  • Paul McCarthy

    Paul McCarthy
    Paul McCarthy, "Whipping a Wall and a Window with Paint", 1974
  • Martha Rosler

    Martha Rosler
    Martha Rosler, "Semiotics of the kitchen", 1975
  • Steina and Woody Wasulka

    Steina and Woody Wasulka
    Steina and Woody Wasulka, "The West", 1983
  • Bruce Nauman

    Bruce Nauman
    Bruce Nauman, Clown Torture (Dark and Stormy Night with Laughter), 1985, S.M.A.K. Gent
  • Tracey Moffat

    Tracey Moffat
    Tracey Moffat, "The Night Gries - A Rural Tragedy", 1989
  • Kostas Tsoklis

    Kostas Tsoklis
    Κωστας Τσοκλης, the thiumphs of Oedipus, 60minuts, 1990
  • Nam June Paik

    Nam June Paik
    Nam June Paik, A proto-video wall: Nam June Paik's The Chase Video Matrix (1992)
  • Shirin Neshat

    Shirin Neshat
    Shirin Neshat, "Turbulent", 1998
  • Aϊda Ruilova

    Aϊda Ruilova
    Aϊda Ruilova, "In Hey", 1999
  • Bill Viola

    Bill Viola
    Bill Viola, "Five Angels for the Millennium",2001
  • Yang Fudong

    Yang Fudong
    Yang Fudong, "Lock Again", 2004
  • Ranbir Kaleka

    Ranbir Kaleka
    Ranbir Kaleka, "Crossings: Two Stories", 2005
  • Jordan Crandall

    Jordan Crandall
    Jordan Crandall, "Homefront", 2006
  • Marina Abramovich

    Marina Abramovich
    The Artist is presentMarina Abramovich, The Artist Is Present: March 2010 – May 2010