When i was born!
I was born on July 1st, at 4:25a.m in ponticac. I am the youngest of my family of 4. 2 sisters karley, jessica. 1 brother, Ryan. -
First steps!
Before I was a year old i had just taken my first steps to glory. And now i can walk all the time!!! -
My first scar
When i was pretending to be superman i leaped off my bunk bed onto my toy box and cracked my head open on the dresser.. There was blood everywhere and thats how i have a scare over my eye. -
My first sentence.
When i was three years old i had just said my first sentence. It was so magical.. from that day on i could speak sentences -
My first waterpark
At 4 years old I landed myself on ,y first water park. it was a moment of glory for everyone in a 90 mile radious. -
My first day of school
When i was five years old i attended my first day of school. It was a very exciting but nerv recking day. I made tons of new friends and had a wonderful time -
My first bestfriend
When i was 5 i made my first bestfriend. His name was kyle, we had so much fun from pre k till now! -
My frirst selfie
When i was 9 years old i discoverd the power of a selfie... I strongly dissagreed on taking this but my sister incisted on it. -
My first vacation!
when i was 9 i took a wonderful trip to Las Vegas. I went before my parents split up and it was a really good time! We seen the grand canyon and alot of cool hotels while in one vacation! -
My first dunk!!!!!
When I was 11 ( baller ) i could dunk on 7 1/2 feet! I played alot and i enjoyed playing the game! -
6th grade graduation
When I was in the 6th grade I graduated from elementary school from Rose Pioneer. I had all Es al through out school... Just kiddin -
My first kickflip!
When i was 12 I landed my first kickflip! I was a major skater and had a burning passion for it! i was the only one of my friends that could actually land one. -
My first land plank
When i was 13 years old I did my first land shark -
First day of high school
When i was 14 i was enrolled in holly high school. I havnt been in high school long but so far it has been really fun! -
Homecoming 2014 Court!!
Freshma year i was selected on hoco court. It was a little overwealming but all in all it was a really good time.