
  • Birth

    I was born.
  • Calling From Afar

    Calling From Afar
    I helped my mom get through a tornado over the phone
  • Breakfast Champ

    Breakfast Champ
    I won an award for always eating breakfast at school every morning when my parents dropped me off.
  • Playground

    I defended my Pre-k friend at recess against bullies
  • Tag

    i busted my chin playing tag with my sister i had to go to the hospital where they glued my chin shut
  • Talent Show

    Talent Show
    I did a comedy act for a talent show with my 2 best friends. I was scared out of my mind.
  • 2nd Hospital Visit

    2nd Hospital Visit
    I climbed and ripped my hand open on twisted fence. I had to get 32 stitches
  • Blowout

    I was on honor roll for the first time in my life
  • Crossing

    I helped the crossing guard walk kids across the street.
  • Big Sister

    Big Sister
    I held my baby brother in my arms for the first.
  • Meeting My Best Friend

    Meeting My Best Friend
    I was nervous but i became brave and went up to her then we just clicked after that
  • New School

    New School
    My first day at a CPS school. I was so anxious to make a good impression.
  • Dodge Ball

    Dodge Ball
    Joined a dodge ball team at local park with some of my friends we were the best in the league.
  • Graduation

    This day was the greatest. I was on a journey to new and bigger things high school. I was sad to leave my old friends but excited to make new ones.
  • High school

    High school
    My first day of high was hectic. But i was committed to making it work.
  • Rugby

    I joined my first real sport since elementary school. The sense of camaraderie i felt was amazing.
  • Championships

    My rugby team came in 3rd place we worked so hard all spring just to have our dream ripped away. On the bright side we did come 3rd in the whole state.
  • Joined Club

    Joined Club
    I was the first freshman to be eligible to be on the Illinois Women's Rugby Team .

    Corona happened right around my birthday so i was crushed i couldn't celebrate my big 16 with my friends.
  • Protested

    From the injustice in the courts to slain innocent black people being killed due to police brutality. I felt that it was my job to go downtown and fight the good fight because my generation is still reeling.