My life

  • Birth

    The day my mother gave Birth to me and my birthday.
  • Dad left to ARMY

    Dad left to ARMY
    My dad had joined the ARMY to better his life, learn discipline, get schooling with benefits, and to find a good and hardworking job career.
  • First Day of Preschool

    First Day of Preschool
    This was the first day of going to preschool as a 2 year old, and being around other kids. Also where my mother had worked.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    This was my first day of attending Elementary school.I went to Merwin Elementary in covina. Where I had attended up in till 2nd grade.
  • Moved schools

    I moved schools as well as moving houses i then completed the rest of my school year at Bemis Elementary in Rialto
  • Merwin elementary

    Merwin elementary
    When I returned to Merwin Elementary to finsish my 4th grade year and partilaly my 5th
  • First day at Shively

    This was the first day of me entering into Shively middle school, and living with my father.
  • 6th Grade

    6th Grade
    Was the year i had finally played basketball at the south el monte community center. I had earned the Silver Honor roll award with a 3.7 GPA, and had gotten perfect attendance for the third trimester.
  • Graduation

    This was the day I had proudly graduated from Shively and now headed to SEMHS as a freshman.
  • First Day of High School

    First day of going to SEMHS as a freshman.