Me, D'Angelo, The tall guy

  • Introduction to the world

    Date of birth
  • Elementary school

    First day of school
  • Learned to ride a bike

    First time riding a bike without training wheels
  • Field Trip

    Cox Farm spent the day around animals and what-not
  • Started playing violin

    The going was good but I'm pretty sure I forget some stuff in the case.
  • King's Dominion Trip

    Played at the stage
  • Elementary school student body president

    Student body president back in elementary school, didn't really do much though.
  • First Girlfriend

    Ah yes, the good ol' middle school relationship, pretty sure we broke up like a month later
  • Basketball

    Played for a team at the boys and girls club
  • moved out of my Grandma's House

    Moved to Westgate
  • Middle School

    First day of middle school
  • Moved from Westgate

    To Deer Park Apartments
  • Junior NHS

    middle school: 8th grade year
  • first day of High School

    Freshman year was aight I guess
  • First "Job"

    Just paid work at my grandparents house till earlier this year
  • Stopped Playing Violin

    Quit in exchange for engineering as my elective
  • Learners Permit

    Not much to put here, still working towards getting my licence very slowly
  • First IB exam

    IB economics: scored a 5
  • Opened a checking account

    Place to put money is quite nice
  • C.O.W Program

    Until July 24th stayed the campus of the Virginia Military Institute