I was born
On September 9 , 1998 I was born at Ben Taub . I was born 9 pounds 13 ounces at 9:27 in the morning . I didn't come along to my suprise I arrived with a twin sister . -
Big Wheel Theif
I stayed with my aunt for two weeks and one day I decided to play outside because it was a boring day inside the house . I searched up and down the house for my big wheel but for some reason I couldnt find it . Then I found out my cousins stole my big wheel to play with it and broke it . -
went out of town for the first time
The first time I went out of town I was five years of age . I remember the long car ride I was memorized about all the different places we passed up . I stared out the window the whole ride there . -
Lost My 2 front teeth
I remember the day I lost both of my front teeth like it was yesterday . I was riding the dirt bike I got for christmas and made a wrong turn . I remember getting up and seeing blood rush down my face . I ran in the house looked in the mirror and noticed a big gap in my mouth . -
The Bus Crash
This day It was four of us on the bus me , my sister , my cousin and my friend . We were the only four on the school bus . It was a normal day we where laughing and talking on the way to school . all of a sudden a car hit the bus and the bus swerved hit the rail and flipped over . Causing my cousin and my friend to pass away and injured me and my twin sister . -
Back At School
After the incident was over and I got treatment I came back to school to finish out the year . I have to leave school everyday at 1:00 to attend therapy. -
This day I had to take all my test in order to pass and move on to the next grade . It was stressful because I didnt have as much time to study like the other students due to the accident and everything that followed afterwards . I tried my best in order to pass my tests. -
Make Up
Im struggling to catch up on all my school work due to me being in the hospital , being in the thinkery and leaving school everyday too go to therapy. -
On this day I will be walking across the stage and recieving my high school diploma . Its a day I been looking forward too for as long as I can Remember . It will be the happiest day of my life and the beginning of a new chapter in my life . -
I plan on attending school at Full Sial University Im going too live on campus and get a degree in graphic design because thats something Im passionate about . -
I plan on making a career out of being a graphic designer . Im going to get paid a nice amount money . Its something I love and always wanted to do .