My birthday
Who was born in one day with me?I was borm in Saint-Petersburg. My weight was 4,5 kg. My height was 56. -
My first day at school
The site of my school.
My chilhood was at very difficult period of time in the world. I remember shootouts on streets in the middle of 90s, the events of 11th September in 2011, tragedy of submarine "Kursk" and so on. I had known about some of theese events from TV, because I was living in Germany for 10 years. The reason of this is that my father is a scientist. So, he was teaching German students. -
My last day at school
My first day at university
I am studing at University of Movie and TV -
My first publication in newspaper
Cources of design
I have started a new hobby
I have started to take photos -
I have received the first order in the design .
I am at lesson of Internet-journalism