
  • 3000 BCE


    1)My timeline shows a relatively easy life without too many hardships. I have been blessed to only have had two easy moves and no major tragedies.
    2)Not moving to Kansas would have radical impacts on my life. Less obviously not being a part of band or swimming would also greatly change my life.
    3)My future is very flexible as it does not go very far forward and it leaves plenty of room for interpretation and changes.
  • Birth

    Born in Huntsville Hospital in Huntsville Alabama
  • Period: to

    Elementary school

    Attended first Jones Valley Elementary in Huntsville and then Sunset Ridge Elementary in Kansas
  • Period: to


    started swimming for a summer team and then joined a competitive team in Kansas which progressed into the high school team
  • Moved to Kansas

    Moved to Kansas
    I moved to Kansas in 2010 as I was going into third grade. We moved for my dad's job.
  • joined band

    joined band
    started playing trombone at the beginning of my fifth-grade year
  • Move 2

    Move 2
    Moved from the West area into the Southwest area in Kansas
  • Period: to


    still going through middle school and highschool
  • Period: to

    Middle School

    Attended only Aubry Bend Middle School for all three years
  • Started Middle School

    Middle School at Aubry Bend
  • Started highschool

    Started highschool
    highschool at BVSW
  • High School swimming

    joined the high school swim team here at BVSW
  • Brother goes to College

    Brother goes to College
    My brother moved away to college at K-State
  • Other Brother goes to same college

    Other Brother goes to same college
    My other brother also goes to K-State leaving me as the only child for the first time in my life.
  • I go to K-state

    I go to K-state
    I also decided to go to K-State and follow my brothers through the engineering program
  • Graduate Hughschool

  • I graduate K-State

    I get my degree in some form of engineering
  • Get a job

    Get a job
    Hopefully a high paying job
  • Get a house/apartment away from parents

    Get a house/apartment away from parents
    Kinda not allowed to live there too long