
By 3000253
  • I Exist!

    I Exist!
    I was born this day at about 6 in the morning.
  • I Become a Christian

    3 year old me say I trust in Jesus the first time this summer at church camp.
  • I play Soccer For the First Time

    I play Soccer For the First Time
    I play soccer with Kickers. Jose and Payton were on my team and my mom coached.
  • I have A Brother

    I have A Brother
    My brother Zephan is born. This makes life a lot more annoying, but I am used to it now.
  • I Start School NO!!!!!!!

    I Start School NO!!!!!!!
    I start school where I will be stuck for most of my life for the next decade and a half.
  • I Receive Brother #2

    I Receive Brother #2
    My brother Jerem is born. My life gets louder because he fights with Zephan a lot.
  • I get Brother #3

    I get Brother #3
    Zamuel is born. He is less annoying (at least most of the time). I got to babysit without getting payed a lot.
  • I Start Middle School

    I Start Middle School
    I went to middle school for an actual school day for the first time.
  • I Get a Winning Record at Middle School Soccer

    I Get a Winning Record at Middle School Soccer
    On my second year our team gets a winning record of 9-2-1 for the season.
  • I qualify For Nationals

    I qualify For Nationals
    I managed to get into the National competition of ANW in Conecticut.
  • We win City of Lights Tournament

    We win City of Lights Tournament
    Our wrestling team tied for first place in the City of lights.
  • Last Day of Middle School

    I finally am finally finished with three years of middle school. Plus I get summer break before school again!
  • Start of High School

    I start my four whole years of high school.
  • First High School Soccer Game

    We win our first soccer game at West Aurora High School.
  • I finished Freshman Year

    One of 4 years of High School Done
  • Halfway Through High School

    I finished Sophomore year making it halfway through high school.
  • Starting Final Year of High School

    I go to school for the first day of my senior year of High School.
  • Graduation!!!!!!

    I'm done with high school. I graduated today and am done with school besides college.
  • I Qualify for Finals of ANW

    I complete both the ANW qualifying and city qualifying courses and qualified for the finals in Vegas.
  • I Start College

    Its my first day of College.
  • I Decide to Quadruple Major

    I still don't know what career path I will do; thus, I decide to quadruple major.
  • I compete on the finals of American Ninja Warrior

    I try Stage one today and complete it. I fail on the second to last obstacle on stage 2.
  • I Attend Seminary

  • I Graduate From College

  • I Write A Book of Evidence for Christianity

    It's a book giving evidence there is a God like that of the Bible, the Bible is reliable, Jesus is God, and accumulative evidence.
  • I Leave As a Missionary

  • I Bring My First Person Here To God

    I get my first convert.
  • I Start A Church

    I enough people have believed in Jesus to get a church up and running.
  • I Finish Translating the Bible Into The Native Language

  • I Release My First Book On What God is Doing Here

    I write book on how God is moving and bringing people to him where I am at, and how he is using me to do it.
  • I Am Sick and Return to The US

  • I Retire

    My health did not improve enough to continue, so I retire here.
  • I Own A House

    I Buy my first house. It is very small.
  • I Write A Book on Mission Importance

  • I Possess Pneumonia

    I get sick with pneumonia for the second time in my life.
  • I Join God in Heaven (Best Day Ever!!!)

    I Die of pneumonia; thus, I am in heaven for eternity.