
Charles Darwin: Feb 12, 1809 - Apr 19, 1882

  • Charles Robert Darwin was born

    Charles Robert Darwin was born
    A young Charles Darwin was born, unbeknownst to him, that he would become the father of evolutionary science one day.
  • Darwin Sets Sail Aboard The HMS Beagle

    Darwin Sets Sail Aboard The HMS Beagle
    After graduating from the University of Cambridge in 1831, Darwin received an opportunity to spend several years aboard the HMS Beagle as the ship's naturalist. He spent his time onboard studying flora and fauna of the countries he made port at. This voyage would set Darwin's fate in motion for the remainder of his life.
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    Voyage of the HMS Beagle

    HMS Beagle Launched 2nd Voyage
  • Darwin's Finches

    Darwin's Finches
    During the HMS Beagle's voyage, Darwin surveyed the Galapagos islands and made a discovery that would contribute to his theory of natural selection and evolution. Darwin noted the variations in beak formations of birds that he collected from the islands were different. Each variation contributed to the survival of the bird based on geological and ecological boundaries.
  • Darwin's Delay

    Darwin's Delay
    Two years after Darwin returned from the HMS Beagle's voyage, he had drafted a manuscript of all sketches and notes from his travels. This would become his most important work, "The Origin of Species," published 23 years later. This gap was known as "Darwin's Delay" due to his fear of how the public would react to his newly discovered view of natural selection and evolutionary theories.
  • On the Origin of Species is Published

    On the Origin of Species is Published
    With the culmination of years of first-hand experiences and after a significant delay, Darwin published his book "On the Origin of Species". Darwin's research and findings published in this book would become one of the most important and influential discoveries to this day.
  • The Death of Charles Darwin

    The Death of Charles Darwin
    Charles Darwin died of heart complications in his home, where he spent many years dedicating his life to science and publishing some of his best work. The legacy Darwin has left behind has changed the very foundations of our beliefs, even to this day. And that is why he is the Father of Evolution.