Mckenzie Whittaker's Timeline

  • Surgery

    Before I started my senior year of high school I had my tonsils removed in the summer. It was a very hard recovery but I was all healed by the time school started back up.
  • Graduation

    I graduated from West Portsmouth High School
  • Vacation

    My family and I took a cruise for vacation and visited different islands and explored throughout them.
  • Grandma

    My grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer, it was an extremely aggression cancer that was very difficult to overcome. I spent most of my days at the hospital with her, I was driving back and fourth from Columbus everyday. After about a month and half, she was able to return home.
  • Softball

    I play softball at Shawnee State University. This year is my third year as a Shawnee State athlete, it has been challenging but I have learned responsibility and time management for my studies.
  • EDRE 2204

    Throughout this course, I expect to improved on my online comprehension and adventure out with different activities and assignments that will help me become an experienced teacher in the classroom.