common sense
it was written in 1776
thomas paine wrote this
to seek indapendence is the purpose of commen sence
suecsuss because they got indapendance -
grossing the delawere 1776
- THEY WHERE GOING TO TRENTON NEW JERSEY they took the dlawere river.
- mercaniary hessans
- the americans won and they were in need for werpons
Declaration of indapendance
- the purpose is to sepperate the britsh and us.
- the preamble is the introduction.
- the first section is about listed grievances against angland and king george III.
- THE SECOND SECTION states that the colonists effort to appealthe decisions to the kings chocies
- the third section says to free and idenpandance states
- the impact was the freedom that it gave
retreat from new york
- the colonists fighting shift to was the americans and british.
- one out come of the battle of longs island was it was the britishs first victory and gorg washingtons many escapes
- nathan halewas a cotinental soldier during the american revolution war
the battle of saratoga 1777
- to take the whole new york fro the americans