McCandless' Journey to Alaska

By Maiya18
  • Graduates from Emory

    Graduates from Emory
  • Period: to

    Journey to Alaska

  • Sends final transcript of grades to parents

  • Abandons yellow datsun at Detrital Wash

    Abandons yellow datsun at Detrital Wash
  • Hikes around Lake Mead

  • Gets picked up by Janes Burres and her boyfriend Bob.

    Camps with them in Orick Beach for a week then leaves.
  • Receives a ticket for hitchhiking

    Sends ticket to parents. His parents lock for him in Atlanta and find out he's been gone for 5 weeks
  • Wayne Westerberg picks Mccandless up from Cut Banks

    He takes him to Carthage, South Dakota. He starts to work at the grain elevator.
  • Park ranger finds datsun

  • Found a ride witha long haul trucker

    Arrives in Topock, Arizona
  • Finds a canoe

    Paddles down the colorado river making his way to the Gulf of California
  • Arrives in Yuma

    sends a postcard to Wayne.
  • Reaches Mexican border

    Reaches Mexican border
  • Gets picked up by duck hunters

    They take him to El Gofo de Santa Clara
  • Abandons Canoe in El Gofo de Santa Clara

  • Arrives at U.S border

    Tries to sneak in but, he gets caught and spends one day in jail
  • Arrives in Los Angeles to get an ID

    Arrives in Los Angeles to get an ID
  • Camps at bottom ofthe Grand Canyon

    Camps at bottom ofthe Grand Canyon
  • Arrives back in Detrital Wash

  • Buries backpack and enters Las Vegas

    Buries backpack and enters Las Vegas
  • Leaves Las Vegas

  • Stays on Oregon coast

  • Hitchhikes to California

  • Jan and Bob visit Mccandless

  • Meets Ron Franz

    Catches a ride to Omigod Hot Springs
  • Franz drops him off in San Diego

  • Franz picks up from Coachella

  • Franz drops Mccandless off in Grand Junction, Colorado

  • Arrives back in Carthage

    Works back at Wayne's grain elevator
  • Leaves Carthage, heads to Alaska

  • Crossed Canadian border

  • Arrives in Liard Hotsprings

  • Meets Gaylord Stuckey

  • Stuckey and McCandless arrive in Fair Banks

  • Meets Jim Gallien

    Gives Mccandless a ride to Stampede Trail.
  • Sees Mt. Mckinley

    Sees Mt. Mckinley
  • Finds an old abandoned bus

    Finds an old abandoned bus
  • Killed and ate a spruce grouse

  • Caught a small squirrel

  • Crown falls off his molars

  • Killed a moose and took a picture with it

    Killed a moose and took a picture with it
  • Starts to eat moose

    By the 14th maggots start to form.
  • Took a 20 mile hike back to the bus

  • 100th day in Alaska

  • Wrote a S.O.S note hoping somebody would find it

  • Mccandless dies from starvation

  • Moose hunters and hikers find Mccandless' note and decomposed body